Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 583: Raiders the killer who is not like a killer

Feng Jing asked nervously: "Dao Master, what do you mean by life and death?"

"The princess knows, why has there never been anyone who can leave the organization in Wuji Lou?" The Taoist Master asked in a deep voice.

She said: "I am not a person in the rivers and lakes, and I don't know the Promise Tower. Master, don't sell it. Please tell me quickly. What do you mean when Sisong is in a life and death situation? "

"Wuji Building is the No. 1 killer organization. It is not easy to leave." Dao Chang shook his head, "It's not that there has been a situation where someone wanted to leave the Wuji Building, but wanted To get out of the Wuji Building, you need to pass a test. In a secret room with 99 dead men, you have two choices. One is to beat these 99 people before you can step out of the Wuji Building, and the other is to die. Under the sword of the dead man, stay in the Promise Building forever."

"What's this breaking rules? Is it only for people to enter but not to leave?"

"Princess, this rule has been in place since the existence of the Promise Tower, so that's why, no one can leave the Promise Tower for so many years."

Scenery clung to the corner of his skirt, worried, "Dao Master, you mean, Si Song didn't come to me these days, maybe it's because he went to participate in this test?"

"According to my calculation, it should be so good."

"Does the Taoist know where the Promise Building is?"

After that, the Taoist leader was stunned for a while, "Does the princess want to send someone to get Sisong out?"

"It's not sending someone." Feng Jing's face froze, and said solemnly: "I'm going alone."

She alone is enough.

The palace tonight is not quiet.

Meng Xi got off the carriage. He stood at the gate of the palace, and the moonlight dragged his slender shadow long. He came here naturally not to watch the moon. He wants to enter the palace. What will he do in the palace? Go to see the scenery.

But before he could enter the palace, a figure rushed out of the palace riding a fast horse. The horseman was wearing a black cloak, and the hood also covered half of her face.

Meng Xi felt strange for a moment. For safety reasons, he drew out the attendant's sword and threw it in front of the horse's hoof. The horse was frightened and stopped running.

He walked slowly in front of one person and one horse, "I don't know who your Excellency is?"

"How do I dress out of the palace, is it related to you?"

He recognized this voice and called out uncertainly: "Scenery?"

"It's me." The scenery on horseback took off his hat and revealed a small face that was as beautiful as a peach and plum, but her face was not as beautiful as her face, "His Royal Highness, I have something to do now, please don't get in the way ."

"Something? It's so late, what's the matter with the scenery going out of the palace? What's more, you don't have the protection of your followers." Meng Xi frowned and asked, "Do you know about scenery going out of the palace?"

There is no patience in the tone of the scenery, "They don't need to know, anyway, I will be back soon."

She used the sign for going out of the palace, too. You don't have to think about it to know that her father and mother would never allow her to leave the palace like this.

Meng Xifang softened her voice, "The scenery, I'm worried about you."

"No, I don't need your worries. You should worry more about your wife. Since you are married to Feng Miyin, put all your thoughts on her."

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