Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 587: Raiders the killer who is not like a killer

"Fifty-sixth, all right!" After the scene tied the last person, he clapped his hands coolly.

She was so proud that she made him look weak.

Suddenly, the weak Sisong felt that he would feel very safe when taking a woman like this out.

Not a general sense of security.

Seeing that he just watched him still, she took his hand and walked out of this dim passage to an equally dim hall. Only a man in black stood in front of him. His name was eighteen, who was in the Promise Building. Second in command.

And seeing that someone can come out of the passage of death that no one can come out of, eighteen stayed for a long time, and finally said: "Lou..."

"Original." Si Song interrupted him, facing other people, he always used a cold tone, "I have passed the test, have you proved that I am not a member of the Promise Building?"

"It turns out that you are the host of the Wuji Tower, and you don't seem to have a very good aura." The scenery contemptuously said, not because you really look down on others, but because you are dissatisfied with him. If it wasn't him, then Sisong would There is no need to get hurt to go through this death channel.

What she doesn't know is that no matter who it is, even if it is a lofty host, if you want to leave the Promise Tower, you must follow this procedure. This is a rule.

The eighteen, who was called the original poster, paused for a long time, because he was just a deputy poster at the first moment, and at this moment he turned from deputy to upright. He was not used to it. After a long silence, he dutifully said: "The test of the passage of death has always been allowed to pass by only one person. There has never been a precedent that two people can cooperate to pass."

Si Song narrowed his eyes, "Maybe... we are the precedent."

"..." The person who had just been promoted to be the host didn't dare to refute. He was afraid that he would be hypnotized at any time and would not know how he died.

The scenery looked at Sisong, and then at the man with a weak aura. He began to talk wrong and threatened, "I am Sisong's wife, and the husband and wife are one, we are one individual, and I ran into this death with him. What's wrong with the passage? Do you know who I am? Believe it or not, I led someone to destroy your Promise Building?"

Eighteen really didn't know who she was, but when he heard that she was Sisong's wife, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Sisong in surprise.

But Si Song didn't refute, but the streamer in his eyes revealed that he was very happy at the moment. It was obvious that he liked what she said very much.

Eighteen's face... suddenly felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

Scenery didn’t have much patience. She was still worried about treating Sisong from his injuries, so she said directly, "Are you going to remove Sisong? He is now my person, not from your Wuji Lou." Is it possible that you are still forcing employees who want to retire to let them continue to work?"

This girl’s words were a bit difficult to understand, but it didn’t prevent Shiba from knowing that she was someone he could not offend. He carefully looked at Sisong’s face and said in a very strange tone: "Sisong has passed the test, he I will no longer be a member of the Promise Building."

Then he became uneasy. You said that one of his deputy landlords removed the main landlord of the other person. What is this?

"Great!" Scenery took Si Song's hand and quickly pulled him to leave, "Let's go out and look for the doctor. You have too many injuries and you need good treatment."

Eighteen suffocated his breath and did not speak. According to what he had known about the host for many years, except for the inadvertent scar on his face, the blood stains on his body were all blood from others.

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