Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 589: Raiders the killer who is not like a killer

Xia Fengxue's expression changed. After a long silence, he said, "Subordinates pay homage to the host."

"How? Do you still want to use this face to talk to me?" Si Song walked to the table and sat down, tearing off the mask from his face and placing it on the table. The face under the mask is always out of sight. Pale, but this perfect face is as good as Xia Fengxue in front of him.

There is still a different place, whether it is elegant demeanor or aura, he is much more natural and noble than Xia Fengxue.

The most advanced disguise technique, not only the appearance, not only the look in the eyes, even the smell of the body can be changed.

Xia Fengxue slowly raised his hand, and also tore off the mask on his face, revealing his true face, which is also a handsome and elegant face, but it is much more silent and colder. The original poster... I don't know what happened to my subordinates today?"

"I am going back to the palace today just to inform you that your mission ends here, leave the palace and return to the Promise Building."

Xia Fengxue...Perhaps he shouldn’t be called Xia Fengxue anymore, he didn’t have a name, he only had a code name, fourteen. Everyone in the Wuji Tower would have a code name, and as a Wuji Tower, The order of the landlord will also be absolutely obeyed. Fourteen knew that he had no right to doubt, but he still asked, "The subordinates have been taking orders to replace the landlord in the palace ten years ago. Why did the landlord suddenly say The subordinate's task ends here?"

Si Song poured himself a cup of tea, and said casually: "Do I need to explain it to you?"

"No..." Fourteen felt the pressure emanating from Sisong. He knew that the original poster was warning him, what was warning him? You can't take care of things you shouldn't care about, such as... the scenery.

Si Song raised his eyes coldly, "Fourteen, you don't want to leave the palace, do you?"

"...Yes." He lowered his head, and finally chose to answer honestly. He knew how much it would cost to lie in front of this man.

Si Song picked up the tea cup and took a sip elegantly. His movements were extremely elegant, and his tone was extremely casual, as if he was just casually asking: "For what reason I don't want to leave?"

"For... scenery."

Si Song was not annoyed, instead he let out a short low smile. Since using this face that belongs to him, his temperament seems to have become two extremes, from cold to a gentle and humble young man, but the same The thing is, his eyes have always been ruthless, "You will not bear the scenery is normal, after all... she is such a good girl."

It was so good that he couldn't help but hide her in his own room, so he could feel relieved by seeing her every day and night.

"Subordinates don't understand..." Fourteen already knew that this topic would only be worse for him if he continued, but he went on to ask: "The original poster has always ignored the scenery...why... "

Si Song smiled, "People tend to ignore the things in front of them, don't they? Fortunately, I haven't discovered it too late, and the scenery... is also destined to be my woman, she is mine, fourteen, you Do you understand this sentence?"

"Subordinate...understand." Fourteen's hand on his side could not help clenching into a fist.

Just when the fourteenth thought that Si Song would make any decision to himself, Si Song suddenly said, "However, I am indeed very grateful to you."

"Why should the poster be grateful to his subordinates?"

"In the past ten years, I have not cared about what happened in the palace, but I also know that you take good care of the scenery." Si Song said, "You found the scenery better than me. Fourteen, do you know that This will make me... very jealous of you."

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