She didn't want to believe this answer...

As soon as the dumb gaze changed, the scenery went crazy, and I began to check the condition of every woman lying on the bed. Without exception, they did not breathe, some died of poisoning, and some had a sharp blade through their chest. , Naturally some are... self-caught.

There are a total of thirteen corpses here, which look exactly like her...

She lost her strength all over, and slowly sat on the ground with deep despair in her eyes. Thinking about it from another angle, didn't she always want to know how many times she had lost her memory? It's okay now, she doesn't need to guess, the number of corpses here tells her the answer directly, but she can't be optimistic, she has only despair now.

She didn't know how many times she chose to kill herself by herself. What she can be sure of is that no matter how many times or how she died, he can make her come back to life... even if she doesn't understand Why did he allow him to have a healthy body again, but the scenery knew that no matter how many times she was reborn, the sense of despair that she could not get rid of even if she died made her panic.

However, she doesn't have much time to think about it now, she wants to find a smile.

Thinking of smiling, she suddenly got motivation. She stood up from the ground, looked again at the furnishings in the room that shocked her, and walked out without looking back.

In a dimly lit room, she saw a lot of people. This is what Hibari said in the dark room. Surprisingly, the scenery didn’t feel much when she saw it, perhaps after seeing so many of her own bodies. Now, no matter what more terrifying things she is seeing, she will feel nothing. She is only focusing on one thing now, that is, finding laughter.

What made the scenery breathe a sigh of relief is that there are no babies or little girls in this so-called person. She can actually walk through each person with such a serious attitude. This is because she had never thought about it before. Past things.

She searched this Weiming Ju, but still did not find any clues available. Does that mean that Xiaoxiao is not here? Maybe she is not in the heavens?

The scenery calmly analyzed that Suva would not let her die because he needed her heart. The point is that he needs her to take out her heart willingly. There is nothing more appropriate than a way to threaten her with a smile, so ... She can feel relieved for the time being, Xiaoxiao is still alive, because Xiaoxiao is still useful in his eyes.

The scenery has walked out of this unnamed residence underground. Unlike the uneasy feeling when she went, she is now in a heavy heart. Anyone who knows that she has died countless times and sees so many corpses that look the same as her own. If he is still calm, then he is afraid he is not a normal person.

Not a normal person? Isn't Suva?

Scenery understands herself. She knows very well that even if she doesn't like her husband, she will never have children with other people during marriage. This is her principled conduct. Skylark also said that she was pregnant at the time. It is indeed Suva's child that is good, Xiaoxiao is her daughter, and also his daughter, why could he cruelly imprison his daughter...

Yes, he is not a normal person at all.

The reason of the scenery just told herself to be calm, but now she can't help feeling overwhelmed and flustered. If Suva is a normal person, maybe she can hope that he can take care of his father and daughter after he fulfills his requirements. Love, let go of Xiaoxiao, but now she has no way to think like that. She is afraid... afraid that after she really died, Xiaoxiao will not survive.

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