Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 681: The teacher who explores the heavens

Scenery asked: "Then shall we settle here?"

"Yes, we will rest in this inn for a few days."

Sufa walked into the inn with the hand of the scenery, and Xiao Er soon greeted him, "Two guest officials, are you staying at the top?"

Su Fa said, "A room is on the upper room."

"Okay, let's go to the house!" The sharp-eyed shop Xiaoer naturally knew that the two were husband and wife, but there were quite a few couples who came to stay in the inn, and it was the first time we saw such a beautiful couple.

Xiao Er led the two Sufas to the shopkeeper to pay the deposit. How did you know that the shopkeeper who was still bowing his head was stunned for a long time when he saw the scenery, and he looked at people strangely, so he asked: " The girl?"

Xiao Er said: "What's the matter with you, the shopkeeper? These two guest officials are here to stay."

"Ah, staying in the shop." The shopkeeper seemed to have recovered his mind. "Girl, I'm sorry, I've never seen such a beautiful girl. I can't help but be stunned for a while. The two are husband and wife. The appearance of men and women is a match made in heaven."

Suva smiled and took out a silver coin, "This is the house money."

"Hey, good." The shopkeeper took the money, and shouted to the shop second, "What are you still waiting for? Take the guest officer to the room."

Xiao Er said hurriedly, "Yes, yes, please come with me."

After entering the room with Xiaoer, the scenery said to Suva, "We stayed here, and then? What do we do next?"

Regarding the plan after coming to the mortal world, she had never heard him mention it.

Sufa said: "Tomorrow is the mortal Qiqiao Festival, can I bring the scenery to light the river lantern?"

"Have a river lantern for marriage?"

"Isn't it me the marriage of scenery?"

"Then what shall I do to set the river lantern?"

Su Fa smiled slightly and said softly: "Although we can't ask for marriage, it's good to wish that we can live together forever and be safe in our lives?"

The ghost wants to stay with you forever!

Scenery blinked and said puzzledly: "But we are gods, and mortals pray for peace from God, then who do we pray for?"

"Scenery..." He sighed, "The so-called putting on the river lantern is just a good hope for myself, not really asking anyone."

She pursed her lips, "You seem to be right..."

"Then tomorrow, are you willing to go and set the river lantern with me?"

"Okay, since we are all here, of course we have to join in the fun."

"Tonight I went to the street to pick the best river lantern for the scenery. Will the scenery go out with me?"

"Forget it." She shook her head, "I don't know if it's because of the different relationship between the heavens and the mortal time. I'm so sleepy now. I don't want to go out. Sufa, you can help me choose the best one. The river lantern, we will put it on together tomorrow."

"Okay." Suva held her hand and dropped a kiss on the back of her hand. "You will rest in the inn. I will set a barrier around the room. No one can hurt you. You can rest assured. rest."

"Yeah." She nodded and yawned again. Indeed, this point is late at night in the heavens.

Sufa watched her go to bed and fell asleep, and then covered her quilt. Then she left the door. After a few minutes after the sound of closing the door, Feng Jing got off the bed. She got dressed and opened the door. Walked downstairs.

At the entrance of the stairs, she and the shopkeeper met unexpectedly.

The shopkeeper asked: "Girl, what are you?"

"I'm looking for you."

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