Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 687: The teacher who explores the heavens

Just when the scenery was hesitating, the wind suddenly rose, and another man in a black gilt robe appeared. He was domineering and his appearance was even more extraordinary. Just stop here to attract everyone's attention.

Seeing this man, his expression changed immediately, and he said seriously: "Father, why are you here?"

"Father!?" The scenery was surprised.

Looking closely, there is indeed a similarity between the black man and the simple, but the auras of the two of them are completely different, one is calm and the other is lazy.

"Your Royal Highness." The black man said in a deep voice, "We meet again."

"You are the Lord of the Demon Realm?"

Simple reminded in a low voice, "Father, she has amnesia now."

"Amnesia..." The man turned his gaze on Feng Jing, "How many times have you lost your memory?"

"Probably the fourteenth time..." Feng Feng coughed, a little uncomfortable.

Simply ask: "Father, why did you come here?"

"Your mother doesn't worry about you, so I'll take a look." After the man answered, he looked at the scenery and introduced himself: "Princess, I am Jian Yi, the current master of the Demon World.

"Hello...wait!" Scenery asked uncertainly: "What do you say your name is?"

He replied again: "Jane knows well."

My god, isn't this the male lead in this world! ?

"Then your wife is called... Liuli?"


Simply excited: "Auntie, do you remember my mother!?"

"I probably remembered a little..." Feng Guang said nonsense with his eyes open.

What is going on in the plot of this world! ! ! Why did Jane, who was originally the emperor of the world become the lord of the demon world, and Liuli, who had been missing for many years, became the queen of the demon world? More importantly, that Liuli is still her sister-in-law! ?

Scenery couldn't understand it at all, only felt that the amount of information in her mind was going to explode, but she couldn't get a clue.

By the way, the important thing is that there is also the man named Zhong Ran.

"Mojun, do you know a man named Zhong Ran?"

Jane's eyes moved, and slowly said, "Why does the princess look for this man named Zhong Ran?"

"No... just that name suddenly flashed in his mind." After Feng Jing answered, he was even more nervous. If Jian Jing said that he didn't know the man Zhong Ran, it would mean that things were even more confusing.

But Jane said: "About Zhong Ran, maybe the princess and I can understand a lot of things after a trip."

"Walk with you?"

"Princess don't worry, but someone wants to see you. The location is in a restaurant in a nearby town, not far from here."

"You said you want to take me to see someone. Is that person Liuli?"

Jian knows well: "It is Liuli."

"Why does she want to see me?"

"In order to...pay the debts owed back then."

The scenery is inexplicable, but there is a kind of intuition. If she goes, many things will be like seeing the sun, instead of letting her make unreasonable guesses here.

She nodded, "Well, you take me to see her."

In a private room of a restaurant, there is a woman with a delicate face. I think she was also a carefree, fun-loving, and fearless temperament, but after marrying a child, her temperament has been given to her by years. Calm and virtuous, she is no longer the carefree girl who can live regardless of everything.

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