Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 726: President of the Raiders Student Union

The best aristocratic school in City A is called Lihai Middle School. This school is an aristocratic school that is just beginning to rise from the beginning to the beginning. The annual tuition is as high as hundreds of thousands. Although the tuition is high, the admission rate is also high.

Also, few people who can enter this school are children of ordinary families. Even if they don’t study hard, they don’t have to worry about not having a college degree after graduating from high school, let alone finding a job in the future.

But in this school full of aristocratic children, there is a person who doesn't fit in. She is Mujin in Class E of high school.

Lihai Middle School is also divided into classes according to grades. Mujin's grades were good, but because she joined the class halfway, she did not take the entrance exam, so she was placed in the worst class—Class E of the second year.

Most of the students in Class E are ignorant and idle, and they never get together in class. They either fight or walk on the road to fight. So this class has another nickname—the most violent class in history.

Just like all schools, good students look down on bad students, and bad students naturally look down on good students. Therefore, Class A and Class E with the best grades are always the same, but there is a strange flower in Class E. If she wants to enter Class A, she is Mujin.

The reason why Mu Jin entered Class A was not only from her love of learning, but the most important reason was that on the day she entered school, she was entangled/entangled by Gu Lan because she accidentally stepped on Gu Lan's shoes. When she was endless, a gentle boy helped her out.

Later, she inquired that this boy was named Han Chen, the president of the student council. He ranked first in every exam. Mujin never concealed her pursuit of male gods, so she was always unpleasant to see her. Gu Lan's cynicism, but Mu Jin did not care about it. Although other people called Gu Lan as the prince, she was not afraid of him at all, but the more she was not afraid of him, the more it aroused Gu Lan. interest.

It was also when the relationship between Gu Lan and Mu Jin Xiaoping continued to heat up, the morning self-study of this day was still in the noisy E class, and the head teacher suddenly took a girl onto the stage.

Regardless of whether the bald head teacher is listening to him or not, he said, "Classmates, a new transfer student has arrived in our class today. Applause and welcome!"

In the end, only the head teacher clapped his hands. He awkwardly pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said to classmate Chaoxin: "Student Xia, you can introduce yourself."

"Okay." The ponytailed girl nodded. She looked squarely at the busy students under the podium and smiled, "Hello everyone, my name is Xia Guangguang."

Her voice was ethereal and sweet. Many men stopped what they were doing and looked at her for a while. At this glance, they either put down the comic book in their hands, or put down their mobile phones, but After a moment of silence, the boys began to talk to each other.

"It's a beauty!"

"Hey, go and ask her if she has a boyfriend?"

"Even if she has a boyfriend, you can ask her if she mind having one more boyfriend."

"As far as you think, with the little master, do you have a chance?"


The discussion from under the podium reached the ears of the scenery clearly, her face remained unchanged, and she smiled, "From today, we are classmates. Please take care of everyone."

Someone in the audience called, "That must be taken care of!"

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