Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 737: President of the Raiders Student Union

After returning home, the scenery was naturally approved by her father. She obediently admitted her mistake and promised to bring the God of Wealth back tomorrow. Her father slapped her on the head, "What do you want to say? please!"

"Yes, yes, I will invite the God of Wealth back tomorrow." After that, she immediately ran upstairs and entered her room. After closing the door, she threw herself on the bed, sad alone.

Although Han Chen is indeed a good target for her strategy, this person's temperament is too slow to deal with it, especially what happened today. She was a guest who went to the antique shop and finally became a living Lei Feng helping people clean the house... …

His skill in fooling people is indeed great, don't want it, the scenery covered his head in the quilt, and he was tired thinking about what he should do.

At this moment, her mobile phone rang and the phone was connected. It was her dad who was downstairs calling. As soon as the phone was connected, Xia Chao said, "Take me out for dinner."

"No." She replied directly, a distance between upstairs and downstairs, but their father and daughter habitually talk on the phone. After all, climbing stairs is a waste of time, isn't it?

Xia Chao didn't care if she went or not, "I didn't ask your opinion again, you must go today."

"So tough? Who are you taking me to meet today?"

"Gu Yang has returned home."

Isn't that Gu Lan's father? The scenery shouted: "If I don't go, I won't go. If you have the ability, you can drag me there!"

When the words fell, she also hung up the phone.

The best hotel in city A. Today, two big figures are here, one is the gang boss Gu Yang, and the other is Xia Chao, the chairman of the Xia Group. They both brought their sons and daughters, and the discerning people knew they were doing it. What.

The scenery was polite and elegant, even if she had scolded her father a hundred times in her heart, she said she had the ability to drag her out, but she didn’t expect her dad to find a locksmith and pry her door open. , Dragged her into the car, although she would cry and make trouble on the way, but when she was really going to be in front of outsiders, she was the perfect Miss Xia.

"Long time no see, the scenery is really getting more and more beautiful." Gu Yang is a very handsome middle-aged man. Although years have added wrinkles to his face, he can still tell that when he was young, he must be like his son. Generally, there is a face that makes a woman's heart move.

The scenery looked at Gu Yang and Gu Lan back and forth, and once again confirmed that the father and son are two-thirds like each other. She smiled politely, "Thank you, Uncle Gu for the compliment."

Xia Chao also reciprocally smiled and said, "Gu Lan is also more like you as he grows longer. Seeing him reminds me of you back then."

"Why, this kid is much more capable than me, and it only makes me worry about it every day."

The two older people began to enter the mode of mutual compliment. The scenery inadvertently met Gu Lan, and both of them saw impatience in each other's eyes.

Gu Lan was suddenly angry. He spent such precious time just to come and have a meal with her. He didn't say anything yet, so she dared to be so impatient?

"Dad, talk to you guys." Gu Lan said to her father. He got up and grabbed the hand of the scenery and forced her to stand up, "I will go outside with her."

As soon as the voice fell, he also pulled the scenery out of the hotel door.

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