Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 752: President of the Raiders Student Union

Han Qi sighed and said slowly, "I have been in poor health since I was born. The doctor once determined that I will not live to be twenty years old. So, six months after my birth, my father After extracting my DNA, Han Chen was born in his laboratory. To be honest, before the age of ten, I thought Han Chen was my twin brother. After all, we are so similar. Apart from our appearance, we have the same Hobbies, no...We are more like twin brothers than other twin brothers. My health is not good, but I am proud to have a good brother until one day..."

Until that day, he stood in the room, looking enviously at the children playing outside the window. It was Han Chen who sneaked out of him. It was on that day that Han Qi had the memory of walking out of the room for the first time. He was ten years old then, and he stepped out of the house for the first time in ten years.

But before this, his scope of activity was only the Han family villa and his room that had been transformed into a ward.

Han Qi still remembers that Han Chen took him to many places, such as grasslands, amusement parks, and lakes. He also took the bus and went to the movie theater... All of this made him feel novel, and he even thought , Just stay in the outside world and never return to that lonely villa again.

But he couldn't do this, because his illness was more serious than before. He was found by the Han family, and then he was forced back by them. From then on, he and Han Chen were also separated by Han Wei. Now, Han Wei doesn't allow Han Chen to see Han Qi again, because as a father, Han Wei cannot allow his son's body to have any more accidents.

He was clamoring to see Han Chen, and at this time, Han Wei told him the cruel truth that Han Chen was not his twin brother, but his clone.

On that day, Han Qi asked for a long time before he understood what cloning meant, but he naively thought, what does it matter if it is cloned? Han Chen has lived with him for ten years. He will accompany him to read books, tell him interesting things that happened in school, and secretly take out paintbrushes to paint the white walls with him... Yes , They are indeed brothers.

Han Qi was guarded very strictly. He never took a step outside the Han family mansion again, but he always hoped to see Han Chen again. Until the age of fourteen, his condition became more and more serious. He did not move to the hospital to live, but for him, it was just a change of prison where he was held. Whether in the hospital or in the Han family, he is a person with restricted freedom. He understands the restrictions. He is free, not his parents, nor the doctor in the hospital, but his fragile body.

"The day I met the scenery, I sneaked out of the hospital, wanting to see the outside world again, because I felt it, my body was... almost reaching its limit."

"Han Qi..." Scenery uncontrollably shook his hand, his hand was slightly cold, the low temperature made her eyes suddenly wet.

Han Qi slowly squeezed her hand, put her index finger on her lips, and slowly said, "Don't feel sorry for me... after listening to me, I think you will hate me."

He was reflected in her eyes, and he was suddenly satisfied with such a pair of beautiful eyes watching him.

He said: "The reason why my father gave Han Chen the birth is because of the debilitating organs in my body...I need the organs in his body to replace it."

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