Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 755: President of the Raiders Student Union

"Oh." Scenery replied without emotion, and continued to go upstairs into his room.

She threw herself on the bed, and remembered the words System Jun had just said to her in her mind, "This time the target of the strategy, the host can choose by feeling."

That is to say, whether it is Han Chen or Han Qi, she can pick one she likes to complete the strategy task. This world has a huge gap with the original text. In the original text, there is no such violation of human rights as human cloning. Settings.

This is also the reason why the system king will relax her demands.

But Feng Guang didn't feel happy at all. She knew that she was inclined to Han Qi, because she had a deeper contact with her, and he did have an inexplicable attraction to her.

She doesn't want Han Qi to die...

The scenery covered her head in the quilt, as if she could be isolated from the world like this, which made her feel better in her heart.

Mujin’s birthday party arrived as scheduled. At this time, it was reflected in the role of the Jin family. Although Mujin did not fit in with the rich second generations of Lihai High School, because of the Jin family’s relationship, people who wanted to join the banquet were also Not in the minority.

Gu Lan is obviously not this type of person. Their Gu family is not a businessman, and they don’t need to mix in shopping malls. They say they charge protection fees or something. I believe that more people will believe that he will come to Gu’s today purely because he wants to see Mujin. This nerd is making a fool of himself.

Yes, that’s what he thinks. Before returning to Jin’s house, Mu Jin was a commoner girl. The first time she entered an upper-class banquet, she would make some mistakes. Then he could read jokes. But he miscalculated.

Mujin appeared in the sight of everyone wearing a white skirt. The lovely and dignified skirt outlined her bumpy figure very well, and also made her skin more white. Under the warm light, she It's like a pure angel, clean, without a trace of worldliness.

Gu Lan had never seen such a hibiscus. His heart beat so hard that he did not react for a long time.

Mu Jin saw Gu Lan, she smiled and walked to him. Today is her birthday, so she was in a good mood when she saw Gu Lan, who was annoying, "I thought you wouldn't come over."

Gu Lan said unrestrainedly, "I don't have anything else to do anyway, so I will just come and see when I'm bored."

"Then I hope this banquet will not make Young Master Gu feel more boring."

"Oh, of course at that time." He tweeted, "Unexpectedly, it turns out that the nerd changed clothes and his figure was pretty good."

Mujinpi smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment of the old man."

Gu Lan's forehead jumped.

With a glass of orange juice in the corner of the scenery, she curled her lips boringly while watching the interaction between Gu Lan and Hibiscus.

A girl came over and said kindly: "Miss Xia, isn't Gu Lan your fiancé? You don't need to talk to him?"

It can be seen that she also realized that there was something wrong between Gu Lan and Mu Jin, which was kindly reminded.

"No." The scenery looked coldly at the girl in front of her, "Gu Lan is just my fiancé, I don't think I need to care about him, let alone, don't you think they are a good match?"

Hibiscus and Gu Lan match well?

Is this like what a fiancee said?

The girl realized that she had found the wrong person, she said awkwardly, "Excuse me", and left with a sense of interest.

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