Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 766: President of the Raiders Student Union

He kissed her lightly, kissed her lips lightly, and then explored more deeply.

The scenery closed his eyes, and his moist eyelashes quivered slightly. Han Qi only felt that her well-behaved appearance made him more difficult to hold on. Her sweet taste made his pride of self-control collapsed and kissed her. The sweet lips and the sweet but not greasy fragrance of her nose drifted over her. He only felt that he had always been calm and self-control, as if he might lose control at any time.

His heart is beating fast. Han Qi is very clear that the uncontrolled heartbeat and emotions will put his body into crisis again, but he knows it but doesn’t want to stop. He doesn’t know how many opportunities he has to hug him like this. Hold her, kiss her, maybe tomorrow, he will leave this world and leave her.

After a long time, the kiss ended with the scenery's poor breathing.

At this time, she had no more crying, and her beautiful face was stained with a heart-warming flush, but she did not have time to be shy, because she found that his face became paler, "Han Qi...you are Isn't it uncomfortable? I'll call a doctor!"

"No." Holding her to get up and leaving, Han Qi grabbed her by the wrist and took her to lie on the bed together. His favorite book fell on the cold ground, but he didn't. He thought about it, now he only saw her in his eyes, and he softened his voice, "The scenery is very nice to be with me like this."

The man has the voice of lust/lust, and is particularly sultry at this moment, but he can't do more, he can't do more, the happiness of this life of scenery cannot be destroyed in his hands.

Feng Guang stretched out his hand and hugged his waist, pressing herself closer to his body, rubbing her head against his chest, "Are you really all right now?"

"If something is really going to happen... then I am afraid that there is a nice pastry in front of my eyes, but I can't eat her, it will make me feel uncomfortable." He chuckled and added, "Indeed. It’s physically uncomfortable."

Feng Jing's face was red, and he couldn't imagine that he could still joke now, "Han Qi! I'm seriously worried about you!"

"Then I'll tell the scenery seriously..." His dark as night eyes gradually became dark and deep, like a bottomless abyss, which could easily **** people into his trap and never escape. , He said word by word, slowly and forcefully: "I love you... Even at the end of my life, I will enter the grave with my love for you."

This is a terrifying confession.

But in addition to the acceleration of the heartbeat, the only thing that is the acceleration of the heartbeat, she stared at the gentle and beautiful man in front of her in a daze, and finally leaned in and kissed the corner of his lips, "Then on your tombstone... Just a few words."

Han Qi smiled, his hand pressed the back of her head and deepened the kiss.

Scenery left the hospital late at night. During this period, Xia Chao called her several times, and she hung up. After returning home, she was not in the mood to listen to her father's questioning of her. She went into her room in a daze. , She stayed asleep with her eyes open all night.

The sweetness of love and the unchangeable sense of powerlessness surround her, she curled herself up in the bed in fear, and didn't want to think about anything.

Until three o'clock in the morning, her cell phone rang with an unfamiliar number, but after a moment of hesitation, she connected the phone.

A woman's anxious voice came from the phone, "Miss Xia, Han Qi's condition suddenly worsened. After today's treatment, he unplugged his breathing tube. He is looking for death... You can come to the hospital. Are you please...Save my child..."

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