Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 781: President of the Raiders Student Union

Han Chen's words came suddenly, and the scenery paused for a long time, because she didn't know how to answer the conversation.

In the end he broke the silence, "Xia Guangguang, anyway, although I think you are stupid, I still appreciate you for saving me."

"I'm not trying to save you... just because I'm afraid that Han Qi will feel guilty when he wakes up." Han Qi once said that he didn't want to use Han Chen's life to keep himself alive. Feng Guang still remembers this sentence .

Han Chen smiled slightly, "Yes, if it wasn't for Han Qi, I don't think you would save me."

"You should go now." She wasn't sure when those people would come back, and she didn't want to look at him with emotion.

"I won't leave." Han Chen said, "Even if I leave, I won't live for three months."

Because his time is also up.

If Han Qi’s illness makes Han Qi feel desperate, then Han Chen’s life span as a clone is not a desperate thing?

Feng Guang didn't want to think about it, she stubbornly asked: "If you don't leave, will you wait for death here now?"

"You once said that life is something that cannot be measured by numbers, but unfortunately, in my eyes, life is a simple number." He said almost indifferently, without any emotion in his eyes. Even the disguised smile disappeared, as if just talking about something irrelevant to me, "I left, Han Qi will die, three months later, I will die, and I stay, I Will die, Han Qi will live, and for the rest of his life, he will live in guilt for me forever. This is a very good deal."

The scenery pursed her lips, "Han Chen...This is your life, but you see your life as a business?"

"The word life is just a joke on me." Han Chen said calmly: "You only know that Han Qi lives in the pain of death every day, but you don't know that I also live in this pain every day. Here, the difference is that there are many people desperately wanting him to live, and I...I am alone."


Of course he would be envious. This is an emotion that he does not want to admit, but it is also an emotion that he cannot deny.

Han Chen and Han Qi, they look the same, but their fate is completely different. Eighteen years ago, Han Chen could live a life that Han Qi did not. He believed that as long as he lived better, Han Qi would be more jealous. He was like he was jealous of Han Qi.

But time is always passing, eighteen years...what about eighteen years? It was only a blink of an eye to think about it now. Soon, Han Chen would return the stolen eighteen years to Han Qi. Han Qi would live, live healthy, and live with the people he likes.

And he... just like he came into this world, he will disappear in this world from the indifferent sight of everyone.

Scenery feels faintly uncomfortable in her heart. She knows very well that whether it is Han Chen or Han Qi, their destiny can make people feel distressed, but... But she also knows that as early as when she first met Han Qi, She has a choice.

She likes Han Qi and doesn't want Han Qi to die.

Han Chen suddenly let out a chuckle. He said, "Xia Guangguang, my life will never be decided by other people, even if it is God, my life can only be decided by myself."

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