Han Qi is a good person. He takes it for granted that he is a good person. The so-called replacement of Han Chen's identity, he does not think it is a mistake, because he has helped everyone fulfill their wishes.

Moreover, he had never thought of sacrificing Han Chen before. He knew that the life span of being a clone was very short. He just wanted to experience a life he hadn't experienced, not in that dim room. Instead, he entered this world, but later he also discovered that he escaped from the cage full of experimental equipment, but came to a larger cage, that is, the hospital.

On his bookshelf, beside the hypnosis book, is a book called "The Collection of Flying Birds", "Make life as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death as beautiful as autumn leaves."

He yearned for these two poems, so before he died, he wanted to see the outside world again, and then he met the scenery.

This is an accident.

A beautiful accident.

Suddenly he didn’t want to die. He wanted to live. If he was with the scenery, he would want to do many things with her, to see the beautiful scenery, walk into the palace of marriage, grow old together. ...

Sometimes a person's thoughts are really only for a moment, and at this moment, he decides what to do to keep himself alive.

The reason to pretend to be desperate to let the scenery leave is because I want her to feel more distressed. Women are emotional creatures. They can easily fall in love with a man out of sympathy, but Han Chen’s experience is also easily distressed, so he Be more cruel, especially after he was sensitively aware that Han Chen was threatening him.

For example... In order to let Fengguang be with Han Chen, he chose to commit suicide.

After Fengjing experienced the fear of losing him, he could more easily realize the necessity of sacrificing Han Chen to let him live. This is a dangerous move. Maybe he would die on the operating table like this, but he bet Won.

He came alive again, and Han Chen died.

That's right, the death of Han Chen made the scenery knot, and even time can't solve the knot of scenery, but this emotion can be transferred, so the scenery is pregnant.

She likes children, and he and her children, she will definitely love him especially. Maternal love can always overcome those superfluous emotions. Maybe it will be several years or ten years... When the name Han Chen is mentioned again, she There was only a sigh.

He calculated everything very well, except for the day when Han Wei had an accident, he accompanied Han Wei to the awards ceremony. The waiter's failure caused a glass of wine to spill on his clothes. When he was cleaning in the toilet, Han Wei saw a scar on his arm, this scar opened a gap in Han Wei's memory, and he recalled everything.

This scar was cut many years ago by Han Wei in order to test the cloning of human blood. The wound was deep, and he still remembered the bleeding.

Red blood.

So Han Wei is dead.

The atmosphere in the room was very quiet. At this time, Han Qi's cell phone rang, and he smiled softly when he saw the word "baby" on the caller ID. After he got on the phone, his voice was even more pampering. "Scenery, do you miss me?"

"Yeah." Her nice voice came. "When will you be back?"


"Mother-in-law is she okay?"

"It's okay, she's fine."

She breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good..."

"Is there anything you want to eat? I will bring it to you when I come back."

Since she was pregnant, sometimes she would want to eat in the middle of the night, and Han Qi would go out to buy it without complaint.

She was a little embarrassed, "That... the cake in the Ruby Cake Shop... seems too far away."

It would take more than 40 minutes for the store to start from here.

"Not far away, it is my baby who wants to eat, I will naturally satisfy all the wishes of the baby."

She laughed happily, "Our child will be very happy to know that there is a father who loves her so much."

No, the baby he said was her.

Han Qi did not refute, he hung up the phone with a pleasant smile, stood up and tidied his tie, then he turned and walked out.

Behind him is Zhen Wei with a dull look.

"That's right." He stopped and turned his head slightly and said: "It should be very lonely underground, Mrs. Han... Are you going to accompany Mr. Han?"

"Yes... I'm going to accompany him." Zhen Wei whispered unconsciously, with no focus in her eyes. She slowly picked up the fruit knife on the ground, slowly and forcefully, stroking a very strong stroke on the skin of her wrist. Deep wounds.

The blood flowed out quickly, but she still sat on the ground blankly, unaware of the pain.

Han Qi let out a sigh of emotion, "Mrs. Han and Mr. Han are really deep and enviable."

When the voice fell, he walked out of the room and closed the door.

It's time for him to buy a cake.

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