Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 807: Raiders the downfall of His Royal Highness

"Wuqi, do you know why your mother did these things?" Shuqiu did not give up the investigation because of the child's tears. "Neighbors in the neighbourhood say that the Liu family has always been safe and friendly, even if he dare not kill a chicken. , And why do you suddenly want to kill so many children?"

Wuqi wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, choked up and said, "Mother said she was sorry for me...I don't have a father, she can't give me a complete family, and those children...they have both parents and family harmony, mother said... She said that she would be jealous, she told me...why can someone else's family be happy? It's not fair...but I don't think I need fairness. Although I don't have a father, it's enough for me to have a mother... "

Shuqiu said, "Because of jealousy... Will Liu kill these children?"

This reason seems too unreasonable, but it does not seem to be unreasonable.

Liu has been a widow for many years and still lives hard with a child, and the people around her are all happy families. Maybe at the beginning they were just envy, but later... they are jealous.

And jealousy is really a terrible thing. It will make people lose their minds and become unlike themselves, and do many things that are contrary to their original intentions. A single spark can start a prairie fire. Use this sentence to describe "jealousy" "The term is also quite appropriate.

Scenery lowered her head, and she remembered what Shufeng said to her at the time. He had someone he liked. At that time, besides feeling disappointed and sad, was she also jealous?

Wu Qi continued: "Since I discovered those things...my mother, she has been living in a muddle-headed manner. She often likes to talk to herself, and she keeps saying sorry to me... Those days I was scared. ..."

Shuqiu said, "Later, the Liu family was killed."

"No..." Wu Qi shook his head, "My mother... she was not killed, she was... she committed suicide... just in front of me..."

In the end, Wuqi squatted on the ground with his head in pain, and a mother committed suicide in front of her child. This is a painful memory for the child that can never be erased.

"It's all my fault... If it weren't for me to discover those things... mother she wouldn't...nor..."

"It's none of your business." Feng Guang walked over, took out his small handkerchief and handed it to him, "Wuqi, it's not your fault."

"Miss..." The boy raised his head, his teary eyes hazy, "If I could discover...I could discover my mother's mind earlier, she would not die..."

"Your mother has come this far, it has nothing to do with you." Feng Guang put the handkerchief in his hand, and sighed deeply in his heart.

The child disappearance and homicide case that had plagued the Yamen of Tongxian County for many days was finally solved, but everyone could not feel fortunate, because as the case was solved, the pain of the five families was also announced. These parents were still looking forward to it. 'S children are just lost or trafficked by human traffickers, but as long as they live, and death means they have no hope.

No one expected that the Liu family, who was praised for being kind and friendly, would be the murderer of this incident, and no one expected that, in fact, the Liu family died of suicide because the knife on the Liu family’s neck was really worthwhile. Too ruthless, and there is no sign of Liu's suicide. Everyone did not think of Liu's death as suicide. If it weren't for the discovery of the cellar where the corpse was hidden, I believe this incident is still a fan.

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