Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 820: Raiders the downfall of His Royal Highness

His daughter was rescued. Xia Chao took a gift to thank them, but what he didn't expect was that the new son who moved to Tongxian would not accept his gift. He just said: "If Master Xia really appreciates me, then ask Miss Xia to give her permission?"

At that time, Xia Chao’s whole person was not good. He never expected that a young man who looked so gentle and polite would say such bold words. It was because Xia Chao was accustomed to seeing strong winds and waves, he would have to be silent for a while. He replied: "The son, the little girl has a marriage contract."

"That's really a shame." Zhou Xing teased the bird in the cage without looking at Xia Chao, and seemed to give up his unreasonable request.

The next day, a piece of gossip came out throughout Tongxian County. The county magistrate’s daughter, the only female arrester, Chen Hongdou, drank too much in the tavern when investigating the case with Wu Zuo Yang Jie. Chaos x, County Majesty Chen Tie Qing was busy suppressing rumours, but after another month, the medical clinic heard the news that Chen Hongdou was pregnant. It was useless to conceal it.

Yang Jie was quite conscious. He personally went to the door of the Xia Mansion and said that he was sorry Miss Xia. The marriage contract was to be dismissed. The matter had reached this point, and life was lost. Of course, Xia Chao could only agree to dissolve the marriage with a cold face. After this relief, he found that his daughter was running to the neighboring Zhuangzi every day. The more he thought about it, the more things went wrong, not only Chen Hongdou and Yang Jie, but even himself was put together.

He was a little depressed.

And his charming wife, Wang Ci, did not comfort him, but just glanced at him coldly and went to prepare a dowry for his daughter, so what use is Xia Chao doing business again? In her eyes, she is not just a fool.

"This month's fifteenth is a good day." Zhou Yan handed the emperor to the girl who was sitting on her lap. He felt that she was cute and tight by leaning in her arms, and could not help but lift her jaw. , Branded a kiss on her lips.

The scenery opened her mouth and actively greeted his flushing kiss. The kiss ended when the air in her mouth was declared to have been looted again. She gasped and said, "This month... Will it be too fast."

"Unhappy, there are still ten full days." He kissed the corners of her lips finely, only to feel that every place on her body had the magic that made him nostalgic, but it was a pity that he could not touch her before he got married. To other parts of her body.

"What if my dad doesn't agree?"

He asked a very good question, "In the Xia family, is it Master Xia or Mrs. Xia who has the final say?"

"Of course it's my mother..." Don't look at her father's strength, her father-and-child relationship is not good. In fact, her father can't control the things her mother decides behind her back. The scenery's eyes brightened, "You convinced my mother. ?"

"It's Mrs. Xia who is reasonable. She believes that I can bring happiness to the scenery." Zhou Xun drew a strand of long hair on the chest of the scenery, thin lips lightly, under this gentle appearance, it was evil.

Wang Ci once had a conversation with him. No more than in the Xia Dynasty, Wang Ci could easily see what the scenery thinks about him. Naturally, he could also see his thoughts about scenery. Wang Ci couldn't see through this young man, but She always knows something, this man is better than that Yang Jie, and she doesn't know where it is better.

There is also one thing that comes from this, she is afraid that the scenery cannot control this man.

What did Zhou Xun say at that time?

He smiled gently, "Mrs. Xia thought, would I give the scenery to other men?"

In his gentle voice, the tea cup in his hand also turned into powder and disappeared into the air.

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