Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 896: Raiders... I heard that cucumbers are better matched with eunuchs!

The "last time" he said was naturally the time when she saw the snake on the boat. Since returning to the palace, the scenery rarely remembered what happened at that time. Now when he mentioned it, she again It is inevitable that she thought of that/fragrant picture, the blood surged, and she almost shed two more nosebleeds.

I heard... Soon after she returned to the palace, the poor four princes were sent by His Majesty to cultivate their moral character in the temple.

Bailimo glanced at Song Wuxian faintly. As soon as he pressed his hand, Feng Guang's body leaned towards her, while Song Wuxian over there did not let go. Feng Guang shouted "It hurts", and Song Wuxie had a look. After letting go, the scenery slammed into Bailimo's arms.

Bailimo calmly touched the top of Fengjing's head, he raised his eyes slightly, and met Song Wuxian's gaze unexpectedly, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Song Wuxiao's eyes were full of chill.

Bailimo knew that Song Wuxiao would choose to let go.

They are equally reluctant to get hurt, so they will know what choice each other makes, and this choice depends only on who will let go first.

The scenery was fascinated by the masculine atmosphere in Bailimo’s arms, and then she hurriedly withdrew from his embrace, but her hand was still held by him, and somehow, she subconsciously reacted. It was to see Song Wuxiao.

Song Wuxiao was still cold, but when she saw her looking at him anxiously, he looked at Bailimo with a sullen expression, with a triumphant smile on his lips.

No need to talk, the two people know what each other means.

Song Wuxiao said: Scenery has him in his heart.

And Bai Limo raised his hand and gently pushed a strand of long hair behind her ears to her ears, and her body became stiff for an instant, as if he hadn't noticed it. He looked at Song Wuxian again: Scenery is his righteous wife.

Song Wuxiao's eyes were gloomy, with a smiling face hiding a frightening haze.

For a moment, the temperature in the air seemed to drop suddenly. This summer, it seemed that it was going to snow.

The group of court ladies and eunuchs naturally shivered and lowered their heads, while the Yiren, who had been kneeling on the ground and hadn't gotten up, grabbed the corners of her skirt nervously.

The atmosphere at this time is like a battlefield, which is about to erupt.

The scenery in the center of the storm trembled and trembled, and she thought that it was not a problem for the two men to look at each other like this. Although she didn't understand why the two of them suddenly fought against each other, she had a hunch. As long as no one disturbs them, they can really see the whole world.

With a fearless spirit, the scenery cleared his throat, and said with a spirit of dedication that I will not go to **** and who will go to hell: "Meeting is fate. Should we all sit down and eat first?"

Song Wuxiao smiled and asked, "Is the scenery hungry?"

He didn't even call the princess this time, and called her name directly.

The voice is blatantly gentle!

The scenery wants to say something, Master Song, you are really disrespectful! But when he thinks that he is a confidant of the old emperor, and has the strength to change the dynasty in the DPRK, who dares to put him in a disrespectful mouth?

Doesn't he do what he wants?

More importantly, beside her stood her nominal husband-Bailimo.

The scenery did not dare to look at Bai Limo's face. When she was thinking about how to answer Song Wuxiao's question, Song Wuxiao had already taken even more excessive actions.

Song Wuxie clapped his hands. There were five men in black knelt behind him instantly. Each man held a box in his hand. The man in black opened the box, and saw that each box was filled with different things, osmanthus cake, Rose cake, chestnut flour cake, plum cake...and candied haws.

Song Wuxiao smiled leisurely: "Which one of these sweets, scenery do you want to eat?"

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