Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 898: Raiders... I heard that cucumbers are better matched with eunuchs!

Bailimo is indicating the scenery, if you want to eat that bunch of candied haws, go and get it.

He is such a good person!

Feng Jing was inexplicably grateful. She looked at Song Wuxian with joy again. Just as she stretched out her hand to take the bunch of candied haws, Song Wuxiao withdrew her hand and took a bite. Feng Feng's hand stretched out stiff.

Song Wuxian spit out two seeds expressionlessly. Even those who are good-looking, even spit out seeds are so noble and elegant. He said faintly: "Since the scenery doesn't want to eat it, then I will eat it."

Isn't she just a little slower! ? I don't want to eat it anymore!

Feng Guang stared at him with bitter and enmity. If it weren't for her image, she might have rushed to find him for a fight. Of course, she couldn't beat him.

Song Wuxiao glanced at the quiet Bailimo, and said to the cool scenery: "Since the message has been brought, I will leave first."

He simply raised his hand, and the five men in black who were kneeling behind him disappeared without a trace, and he also held a bunch of candied haws in his hand, walking away like a leisurely garden.

The scenery looked at his long back, itchy with hatred.

At this time, she noticed the Yi Ren who was still kneeling on the ground, and secretly said that she seemed to be kneeling from the beginning until now. She inevitably felt a little sorry in her heart, and said quickly: "Yi Ren, get up quickly."

"Yes, thank you, the princess." Yi Ren thanked her and stood up slowly. Because she had knelt for too long, her posture when she got up was still a little shaky, looking very weak and pitiful.

Scenery looked at Bailimo quietly again, only to see Bailimo noticed her sight, and smiled at her again, very gentle, he didn't even look at Yiren.

Could it be... he really doesn't like Yi Ren?

Feng Guang felt more puzzled, not to blame her for being puzzled, but because she still remembered that when she first awakened, she always felt that there was something between Bailimo and Yiren. Now Bailimo's performance is like two different things, she has to Reconsidering, if this Bailimo didn't like Yiren, who would he like?

Could it be...herself?

No, no, it seems too narcissistic to think this way.

After returning to the bedroom, Fengjing did not give up thinking about this topic. She tentatively asked the jade next to him, "Jade, do you think the prince... who does he like?"

"Then you need to ask, of course it's the young lady." Feiyu answered naturally, without a second answer at all.

Scenery asked again: "How do you think he likes me?"

"The young lady is a princess, and she looks so beautiful. The prince doesn't like whom the lady likes?" Yiren curled his lips. "Is it possible to like that Yiren?"

"Really... a good opinion." Feng Guang realized that asking Jadeite was a wrong decision, and she waved her hand, "Forget it, you step back, I'm going to sleep."

"Yes, good night, miss." Fei Yufu bowed, turned around and walked out.

Scenery never fell asleep. She tossed over and over in the bed. Finally, at the third clock, she got dressed, bypassed the patrolling guards, walked out of the bedroom with a lamp, and met Song Wuxian in the daytime. On the promenade with Bailimo.

Except for the trees, there are flowers around the promenade. The flowers bloom just right under the night, with a layer of dew-dropped flowers and green leaves, which makes it even more lovely to look at.

A figure slowly appeared from the darkness, "It's deeper and more revealing, and the scenery is here to enjoy the flowers. It really is so elegant."

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