Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 919: Song Wuxia Chapter Extra (5)

Song Wuxiao changed his face. He turned himself into an old man named Yisu, instead of a young man named Yisu with the face of Song Wuxiao.

Bailimo is also different from the previous one. Bailimo in this world is not arrogant, but gentle and courteous, and the city is deeper. He knew that Song Wuxiao’s existence would affect his status. So, he began to pretend to be dumb to cover himself, and he also understood the importance of the prime minister’s support to him, so he treated the scenery with gentleness, and even after being hit by the scenery, he chose to give the flower to him. Gave the scenery.

And the scenery accepted.

It’s not that Song Wuxiao never thought that he killed himself ten years ago and replaced him with the scenery, but soon, the irresistible butterfly effect forced him to give up this idea. He could not tolerate a little mistake. There is only one thing he wants to guarantee, and that is to keep the scenery alive.

And first of all, he must guarantee that the scenery will not like Bailimo.

Therefore, he imprisoned Bailimo and locked him in a prison under the cold palace. He put on a mask and became a personable Prince.

Yi Ren soon discovered that he is not a real Bailimo. A person's face can be changed, but his pulse cannot be changed, but what if she finds out?

Song Wuxiao took Yi Ren to the water jail once. When he saw Bailimo who was left with only one breath, Yi Ren easily compromised. In order for Bailimo to survive, she could only obey Song Wuxiao's orders. Everything went as usual. Make anyone in the East Palace suspicious.

Especially making scenery suspicious.

Song Wuxiao watched the tit-for-tat confrontation between the scenery and the ten-year-old self from the beginning to the back, while suppressing the idea of ​​killing him, he continued to play the role of Bailimo.

But occasionally, it is quite interesting to grab the scenery by your side and let that young self deflate.

So, on that night, the young Song Wuxie made a move and made the scenery his own.

At that time, he thought, the first time he had a skin relationship with the scenery was in his Cuizhuxuan. That was the second time when the scenery was brought to Cuizhuxuan by a tiger bite, he couldn't hold back. Asked her there.

A whole month later than this young man in a hurry.

The day to go to the paddock was coming soon. He had to find another himself. When he took off his mask and looked at a face exactly like himself, it was obvious that the younger Song Wuxiao froze for a while, and soon After accepting another setting of himself, he understands himself, and naturally knows that this so-called self from ten years later is not fake, and after listening to what will happen in the future, he is not so calm.

Two Song Wuxiao went to Xuanhu together. No need to say more. When he saw two Song Wuxiao, he knew what had happened. Before the people of Li Min, he couldn't refuse their request, and he said what Bailimin had. plan of.

Scenery survived and survived with Song Wuxiao.

And he was another Song Wuxiao, Song Wuxiao who possessed...dead scenery.

There is only one scenery left, but Song Wuxiao has two.

He thought, he could kill that man.

But the other himself seemed to know what he would think. After leaving the paddock, he took the scenery and flew away.

But he forgot, there is still tiger bite.

In fact, it is useless no matter how to avoid it, because the two of them have the same logical thinking, and no one can escape from the palm of their hand. When they came to Jiangnan, Song Wuxie followed the tiger's bite and came all the way to a courtyard.

He heard the laughter inside, and he knocked on the door.

A nice female voice came from the other side of the door, "Who is it?"

He moved his lips, before he could utter a syllable, his eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes, all he saw was the top of the bed.

He felt the movement around him, and the woman holding his waist tightly stretched her head out of the bed, her eyes opened a gap in a daze, she asked lazily: "What time is it now?"

He did not answer.

She blinked strangely, then went up to kiss his cheek again, "Are you still awake?"

"Yes..." He finally responded, leaning over and hugging her tightly, as if to blend her into his own blood and never separate.

She was embarrassed by him, "Did you have a nightmare?"

"I dreamed... I dreamed that you were dead."

She laughed out loud, "Am I right by your side?"

"Yes, you are by my side..." He rolled over and pressed her against him, and the fine kisses landed on her eyebrows, lips, neck, and white breast...

Being so enthusiastic early in the morning, it seems that he is really having a nightmare.

She lay flat and let him move his mouth and hands, secretly saying that a wife who is as considerate as her is really hard to find.

She would never know how desperate and lonely he was before he could return to her.

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