Zeng Xue still looked at the boy on the tree and didn't know why, "That person...what's the matter?"

"Don't talk." The scenery has already felt it, and there are a lot of vampires around, but they are all due to her identity, no one dared to rush out, she frowned and asked Zeng Xue, "Do you know if your dormitory is located? where?"

Zeng Xue read the map, she nodded, "I know!"

"Listen, now you go straight back to your dormitory, don't worry about anything, don't look back, you know?"

"For..." When she was glared by the scenery, Zeng Xue also knew that it was not the time to ask this. She picked up the suitcase and said, "Then I will go first..."

"Did I say you can go?" In the darkness, an elegant and noble boy walked out slowly. His figure was well outlined in a black school uniform, with a wicked smile on his face, step by step Approached them.

A man who is not afraid of being suppressed by the pedigree of the scenery, scenery knows who he is without guessing. In fact, although the Situ family and the Xia family are engaged, she has never met Situ You. The difference is that she knows the plot and knows The male lead can naturally understand his identity.

Because of Situ You's appearance, Zeng Xue stopped. She thought to herself that this boy is really handsome.

Situ You just glanced at Zeng Xue, and he set his gaze on the body of the scenery, "You are pure blood, which family?"

His attitude is really incredible.

Not to be outdone by the scenery, she hugged her arms and slowly said, "My name is Xia, where do you say I am?"

"Summer scenery?" Situ You's expression was as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

"It's me, Situ You, when we met for the first time, you seem to be unhappy?"

Situ You Leng, because of the appearance of Xia Jingjing, he actually ignored Zeng Xue, who was so attractive to him, "Is it a joy to see you? The little princess of the Xia family suddenly came here. When you get to Osiris, why, you can’t wait to find me to fulfill the promise made by the elders?"

"Do you think too much? If it wasn't for my dad who forced me to come here, I wouldn't have come to this ghost place." She added secretly, she also came here for Wen Xian.

"It's best to be like this, otherwise I don't have time to serve you, the eldest lady." Situ You put his hands in his trouser pockets and tugged: "Xia Guangguang, give me the woman behind you."

Zeng Xue recovered from the nympho, she subconsciously hid behind the scenery.

The scenery glanced at Situ You, "Why should I listen to you?"

"Osiris is my place. If you want to live here well in the future, don't offend me."

"Situ You, you seem to be too high on your identity. I have the same identity as you. Why do you think I am afraid of you?"

She was right. Even if Situ You wanted to find someone to put on her shoes, in Osiris, only Situ You would dare to do so. Other people did not have this ability. In other words, regardless of the guards behind Situ You How many people, no one can deliberately stumble Xia Guangguang.

Situ said coldly: "Xia Jingjing, do you want to enjoy that woman alone?"

The corner of Feng's mouth twitched, "Do you think I am you? A barbarian who can't control the original impulse."

As long as they are vampires, they will respond more or less to the blood. The degree of reaction also depends on the level of the vampire itself. For example, a C-level vampire can't control himself when he smells the blood, but for those of B-level and A-level. Vampires, the former can still be rational, while the latter can be completely unaffected.

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