The black cat meowed again.

"Huh, can't it?"

"Meow..." The cat took a few steps closer and licked her hand with the tip of his tongue.

Behind the scenery suddenly came a lazy voice, "Can you understand Xiao Hei?"

It turned out that this cat was called Xiao Hei.

"How can I understand what a cat says?" Feng Guang turned her head in a spiritless manner and saw a man with long hair.

Lazy long black hair tied to one side, lightly draped on the left shoulder, the long scarf loosely tied is not too hot, the top button of the shirt is not tied, so his delicate collarbone is slightly exposed. And the outermost coat is a white doctor's suit.

This man looks twenty-seven or eighteen years old, and he has a lazy and unpretentious feeling all over his body. At this moment, he is looking at the scenery with lazy eyes, "I heard you talking to Xiao Hei."

"Yes, I'm talking to it." Feng Wang tilted his head and blinked. "It's just that there is a rule that I must understand it when I talk to it?"

Her tone seemed to say, how could I understand the words of animals, are you stupid?

The man thought for a while and agreed with her. He also squatted down like her, propped his chin with one hand, and said casually: "I haven't seen you, you are a new student."

"There are thousands of students in this school, do you remember?"

He replied: "Can't remember."

"Then how do you know that I am new here?"

The man slowly raised a breathtaking smile, "Your body has a smell I haven't smelled before."

" recognize people by smell." The scenery spit out calmly, and then suddenly thought of something, she sat on the ground sloppily, and moved a few steps back, she said in horror: "Are you a werewolf?"

"Werewolf?" The man blinked his eyes innocently, and the black cat also walked to his feet and gave a soft "meow", showing his innocence.

The scenery stammered: "You, you, you are not a werewolf?"

"This is a school for humans and vampires. There will be no werewolves." The man's voice was filled with curiosity. "In my impression...Although vampires are natural enemies with werewolves, vampires are a noble creature. , They never show fear of werewolves."

"That's because you don't know are werewolves." Scenery seemed to think of some bad memories. She got goose bumps on her body and felt uncomfortable.

The man squinted his eyes and stared at her for a while, and finally nodded clearly, "So you were madly pursued by a werewolf."

"Hey... how did you know?"

He smiled, got closer to her, stretched out the index finger of his right hand, and touched her chest, "I heard your heart talking."

The corners of her eyes twitched, and the last slap slapped his hand. "This is my chest!"

"Ah... I'm sorry." He didn't have the trimming, and after scratching his hair casually, he looked decadent. "You are all flat... I forgot that this place is the girl's breast."

Feng Guang felt that she had received the greatest insult in her life, and she asked loudly, "Who are you? Why do you know that I was entangled/hasted by an unmannered werewolf?"

"Well... let me introduce myself." The man pulled out a smile, looking rare and serious at the moment, "My name is Ming Jian. I am the principal of this school and the doctor in the infirmary, right? , Your father and I are still classmates."

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