Feng Jing immediately regained her energy, and she cleverly followed Ming Yi's side, completely devoid of the way she was about to roll out to eat.

Because from the beginning, the umbrella was in Ming Jian’s hand. When the scenery stood up, Ming Jian also felt that as an elder, he was really embarrassed to throw the umbrella to her again. Can hold an umbrella for this girl, thinking to myself that I really have nothing to do.

On the other hand, she felt that it was reasonable for someone to hold an umbrella for herself. She didn’t feel that there was anything wrong at all. Yes, she was originally a good daughter who was served by a crowd in the Xia family. Wan, she didn't learn much, but the young lady learned the essence of her temper.

Ming knows how to look down at the top of her head, thinking that next time I see Xia Chao, I must ask him twice the tuition fee. The little princess of his family is very difficult to serve.

Ming Jian returned to his dormitory with the scenery. As soon as he opened the door, the scenery next to him rushed in curiously, but when she saw the situation in the room clearly, she turned her head back and stared at him with silent eyes.

Ming Jian felt that there was nothing embarrassed, he shrugged, "The single man's room, how clean do you want it to be?"

After all, it is the principal, and his room is naturally larger than the student's room, two rooms and one living room, open the curtains and you can see the beautiful scenery of Osiris Mountain, but unfortunately, this person's room is really messy.

On the floor, on the sofa, on the coffee table... Either littered clothes or littered beauty photo magazines, the scenery must go around into the living room, but this is not her room, and she is not qualified to say anything more, her purpose It was just eating. I thought I knew how to cook, but I didn't expect that he had entered the kitchen, but soon he came out of the kitchen again, still holding a pile of instant noodles.

Ming Jian put all the instant noodles on the coffee table, and said to Feng Guang, "Hey, all the flavors are here. You can pick it up. There is boiling water in the kitchen. If you choose, you can make it yourself."

The scenery did not move, looking at him silently.

It's hard to feel that the well-dressed little girl stood in his messy room, abruptly setting off his room into a doghouse, and the shame that hadn't been seen in many years had a lively trend, and he stiffly talked. With a smile, he negotiated and said, "If you can't eat in my room, you can bring it back to your dormitory to eat."

"Takeaway." She only said these two words.

Ming knows that she patted her on the head lovingly like an elder, and said regretfully: "Little girl, it is impossible for takeaways to climb such a high mountain to bring them in."

She pursed her mouth, "It's not good for your health to eat instant noodles."

And she glanced at the trash can, good deed, there were almost all the instant noodle boxes in it.

I know how to say: "I only have instant noodles here..."

He knows that the more noble vampire, the more picky it is, but it's useless for others to be picky, because he lives by eating instant noodles.

Then, he heard her mutter, "No wonder it looks so decadent, it turns out to be a dead house malnourished."

Dead house?

No, no, he just squatted easily at home.

Just as Ming Jian wanted to explain a few words, he saw that the scenery went to the refrigerator again.

Scenery opened the refrigerator and was taken aback. The refrigerator was filled with cans of beer. When she glanced over, it was almost all wine. She finally found two eggs and a sausage in a corner.

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