"Hahaha, there is no children's set meal in this store." The fat boss smiled: "Little girl, he is just kidding you."

The scenery halted, and then gave Ming Jing a fierce look.

"How did I know you believed it so easily?" Ming Jian was very innocent, and he picked up a menu on the counter to her, "If you want to eat, order it."

Although it is a pub, it is also a food-cooking business.

The scenery is not in a hurry to order, but asks suspiciously: "Are you a treat?"

"Of course it was my treat." Although he was unreliable, he still knew how to write the four words gentlemanly.

She smiled with satisfaction, opened the menu, and said casually: "This green pepper fish, this green vegetable, and this radish..."

Knowing that she ordered four or five dishes, which were basically vegetables, he couldn't help but say, "Don't be embarrassed to order expensive..."

"I don't want anything I just said." Scenery interrupted him, and put the menu back on the counter, "Give me all the rest of the dishes."

The boss looked at the dumbfounded acquaintance, haha ​​smiled and said, "This time you are going to bleed heavily."

"Where is bleeding, it's obviously pulling the skin and tearing the bones..." Ming Jing was looking at the scenery with a look that I admired, "You order so much, have you finished eating?"

"If you can't finish eating, you can take it away. Why, are you reluctant to spend money? You just said the treat."

"Well, well, you have the final say." Obviously, he took out a card and reluctantly settled the bill. Then he took the scenery to a box on the second floor.

The food served at the hotel was fast, but within a few minutes, all the dishes ordered by the scenery were ready. She took a delicious sip, "It's been a long time since I had any meat... It feels really good to eat meat."

"You feel comfortable. My saved wife was eaten up by your meal." Ming Jian was full of wine bottles. Every time he drank a sip of wine, he felt a pain, but he had a good drinking capacity. If you want to get drunk and forget this bleeding, you can't do it.

Scenery pushed a dish in front of him, "Then you eat too, eat it, and it feels like my wife has eaten it back."

"Thanks, I still drink the bar." Ming knows the only plate of vegetables she pushed over, but he is not half grateful.

He calculated that next time he saw Xia Chao, he must ask him for five times the tuition.

Scenery doesn't matter what he is thinking, as long as she has something to eat, she asks while eating, "Is that boss from the Hunter Association?"

"Why did you ask so?"

"I feel he can see my identity, but I don't feel that he is of the same race, but he is not like other hunters, which makes me instinctively repulsive."

Ming Jian didn't expect her to feel so sensitive, so he smiled, "He is from the Hunter Association, but not a hunter. He is only responsible for intelligence collection."

"So..." She bit her chopsticks again. "There were a lot of people in the hall just now, as if there were one or two werewolves among them."

"It's not surprising. There are many people here. As long as they don't make trouble, the Hunter Association and the Senate will ignore them."

"That's also..." Some things were not worthy of her worry, so she concentrated on fighting for food.

After another quarter of an hour, Ming Jian had finished drinking two bottles of wine. Seeing that she finally stopped moving her chopsticks, he asked, "Is full?"

"Hmm...I'm full." She leaned back in the chair and exhaled comfortably.

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