Scenery woke up the next afternoon.

She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling of the house. She was still a little confused. She was still thinking about what happened yesterday. She remembered that she was taken to dinner by the principal, and then it seemed... as if she was drunk. .

She scratched her head with a headache, got out of bed, looked at her decadent herself in the mirror, and hurried to freshen up in horror. She didn't want to be the second master!

As soon as she sorted herself out, Feng Xian's cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number. After thinking about it for a while, she connected the phone, and Wen Xian's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Student Xia, are you up?"

Wen Xian's first sentence was to ask her if she had gotten up. She froze for a while, "I got up...what's the matter?"

"Please come outside the dormitory, I have something for you."

"Okay... I'll be down soon."

Scenery ran all the way downstairs and saw Wen Xian standing in the shade of the tree. She walked quickly over and curiously said: "You said you have something to give me..."

"It's this." Wen Xian handed her the lunch box in her hand, and smiled slightly: "I will deliver food in the future. Student Xia does not need to walk out of the area of ​​Part A during the day. After all, this is a violation of school rules. , I will be very troubled."

With a heavy lunch box in hand, Feng Guang felt very embarrassed at this moment, she twisted and said, "I am the one who caused you trouble..."

"It's my duty to help the students of Osiris." Wen Xian nodded again: "I have classes, so I will leave first."

"OK, bye……"

Wen Xian left a smile, leaving only a long figure from the back, and quickly disappeared into the forest path.

Scenery looked at the lunch box in his hand, and suddenly felt a little subtle in his heart. Wen Xian suddenly gave her food without warning. Could it be that she was so charming that he suddenly had a good impression of him? Or is he actually a good guy?

By the way, how could he have his own phone?

Feng Feng thought about it for a while, and soon figured it out. Wen Xian is the president of the student union, and naturally in charge of the school's student information, it is not surprising that she would know her phone number.

But more or less, she still felt a little strange in her heart.

When night fell, the students in Section B began to go to bed, and the students in Section A began to walk out of the dormitory.

Even if Feng Jing felt that it was time to go to bed at night, she had to follow him out of the dormitory to the teaching building. In the hall on the first floor of the dormitory, of course, she and Situ You met.

Situ You looked at the girl walking down the stairs with sharp eyes like an eagle. The other people who had been around him flattering him quieted down, and the atmosphere in the hall was quiet for a while.

The scenery did not squint, and did not intend to speak to Situ You.

Situ You refused to let her go. He moved aside and blocked her in front of her. He said in a very awkward manner: "What? Miss Xia, who just transferred to school and skipped class on the first day, Are you planning to go to class today?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" The scenery asked indifferently, don't provoke this lady's momentum if you have a sense of knowledge.

It's a pity that Situ You never knew how to write the two words "Knowledge". He said slowly, "Xia Guangguang, I just want to advise you. In Osiris, it is not a good thing to be eye-catching."

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