I don't know who opened the mouth, and the person begged: "My lord... we just want to enjoy a little bit of blood and won't kill her."

"We dare not compete with adults for food..."

They talked in a few words. In their opinion, the scenery is a person who intends to eat alone, and they are just praying for a piece of the pie.

What only **** a little blood?

The scenery is very clear. If Zeng Xue is handed over to them and after they have tasted the blood, they will completely lose their minds, and Zeng Xue will never be able to survive.

Zeng Xue, who was hiding behind the scenery, said, "Wait...Why do you drink my blood?"

And hearing her voice, the eyes of the vampires became more red like blood.

The scenery felt bad, and she warned in a cold voice: "School rules stipulate that humans cannot be attacked within the school area, otherwise they will be handed over to the Hunter Association. Have you forgotten?"

The Hunter Association is a very frightening name. Some A-level vampires looked at each other and began to retreat, but they also knew that vampires lower than themselves would not be willing to give up the delicacy in front of them so easily, as long as it happened. Chaos, they just squeeze in to pick a bargain.

Another gust of wind blew, the wind further diffused the smell of blood, and the scenery heard the sound of many vampires swallowing.

Sure enough, I don’t know who jumped up. He stretched out his fangs and rushed towards Zeng Xue directly. When his hand was about to touch Zeng Xue, a dragon-shaped flame suddenly appeared, and the person avoided dodge However, he was hit by the flame and fell to the ground with a wailing cry. There was a raging fire on his body. No one helped him. Fortunately, this flame did not kill him. He was on the ground. When he rolled, the flame went out, and he was like an injured animal cub, dragging his injured body into the woods.

Situ You put one hand in his trouser pocket, and the palm of the other hand was burning with scarlet flames. He walked slowly to the side of the scenery, glanced at the group of blood in front of him with disdain, and said slowly: " Miscellaneous fish, food that the young master has never enjoyed, what qualifications do you have to taste first than the young master?"

The group of vampires had to step back because of fear.

Scenery finally breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly said that since the male lead took action, the female lead would definitely not be in danger. In fact, she knew that Situ You came early in the morning, but Situ You never stood up before letting her I panicked and worried whether it was because of the butterfly effect that he had caused. The hero didn't plan to save the beauty by heroes.

At this time, Zeng Xue covered her mouth in surprise and said, "You...you are vampires..."

"Really dull woman." The flame in Situ You's palm went out, and he put his hand in his trouser pocket, "Such an obvious thing has not been reflected until now."

Zeng Xue clasped Feng's hand tightly, "Shengfeng...they are vampires..."

Situ let out a cold voice, "It's so stupid, don't you see that Xia Jingjing is the same as us?"

"Scenery..." Zeng Xue asked incredulously: "So are you... so are you..."

Scenery sighed and nodded again, "Yes."

Zeng Xue couldn't help letting go of her hand and took a step back.

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