Werewolves run extremely fast, at least if a vampire does not have the talent for speed, no vampire can run a werewolf.

Feng Jing listened to the sound of the wind whizzing past her ears, and the bumps on the wolf's back almost made her vomit out. She grasped the fluff on the wolf's back and barely sat up on his back. She glanced around and quickly The changing environment, knowing that in just a few tens of seconds, she had already left the scope of Osiris School.

"Miss Xia, I advise you not to think about jumping off the car. You will fall very painfully at this speed." The werewolf carrying her on his back said, it was a man's voice.

Another cheerful male voice also rang, "Yes, yes, you sit down, don't jump off the car, if you fall down, your face will not be beautiful."

The fast wind blew the scenery's hair into chaos, she gritted her teeth and said, "Are you from Yewu?"

"Yes!" said the energetic voice: "My name is Ye Yu, and the person carrying you is Ye Xue. We are here to take you back to be the patriarch's wife!"

The corner of Jing's eyes jumped, "I have made it clear to Yewu! I am not interested in him, not to mention that he is a werewolf, I am a member of the blood race, he wants to be with me only when he goes crazy, you as How can his people let him go crazy!"

"No way." That Ye Xue seemed to be a less talkative werewolf, and all the people who spoke were this werewolf named Ye Yu. "The patriarch said that he would not give birth to the next heir to our wolf clan if he didn't marry you. There has never been a precedent for a werewolf and a blood clan to marry and give birth to children. I also want to see what you and our patriarch will give birth to!"

The scenery almost smashed a silver tooth. She never expected that the people of the night mist could find Osiris in this poor country. She yelled, "I want to give birth to him! I won't give her a baby!"

When the words fell, she made a fierce rush, and clenched her teeth and jumped off the wolf's back.

Ye Yu yelled, "You don't want to die!"

Scenery’s move is like jumping off a fast-moving car. She rolled on the ground several times, during which she hit a lot of branches and rocks, and finally rolled down the hillside and hit A tree stopped, but unfortunately, her belly hit the trunk. Because of the impact, she coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood, and she didn't even have the strength to move.

She didn't worry that she would die, because the blood race was very viable, as long as they didn't pierce the heart and destroy the soul, they would not die, but... it's just that she is in pain now.

But no matter what she said, she would never marry that werewolf!

Feng Guang raised her razed hand and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and tried her best to support the tree to stand up. She is hurting all over her body and her face. She knows that her face must have been hurt too, but she There is no time to take care of it, she just wants to go as far as possible, the two werewolves will soon follow her taste, and then she will really have no resistance at all.

Every step of the internal organs feels like twisting and pain. There are many trees in the forest. She can take two steps to support the trees to give herself a little support, but after all, it is the injured body. Her keen senses reminded her that the two werewolves chased her.

Two men soon appeared in front of her. One was about 1.8 meters tall and looked tough and handsome, and the other was only about 1.5 meters tall and looked lovely and beautiful.

The cute boy said: "Miss Xia, you made yourself so miserable... We can't deal with the patriarch."

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