When the scenery slept, she slept for a whole day and night, not only because of her injury, but also because of the first time she drank blood, some changes were taking place in her body.

Opening her eyes, she looked at the white ceiling and was in a daze for a minute. Then her body moved, and she found that she was sore and uncomfortable. She quickly remembered what happened yesterday.

She raised her hand in the quilt, but did not see the scar. She was stunned for a while, and touched her face again. It was as good as before. Finally, she sat up with a "swish", opened the quilt, and looked at her body. She reacted for a long time with the obviously not-fitting wide shirt, and finally jumped off the bed. As soon as she landed, her right foot softened and fell to the ground with a "bang", and immediately, the door of the room opened.

A man came in, "Little girl, are you okay?"

Feng Jing sat on the ground, rubbing her bumped head. She looked at the long-haired man holding the spatula and tied the apron. She was suddenly stunned for a moment. Then she said in a daze, "Hello, I want to find you." The twin brother knows it well."

"My twin brother..." He squatted in front of her and said in a dauntless manner: "He owes money and ran away. If you want to collect the debt, you can go to him. If you want to pay the money, you can come to me.

The corner of Jing's eyes jumped, "Mr. Principal!"

"Huh?" He put his chin on one hand, his tail rose, and he looked at her sloppyly.

Feng Guang said: "I smelled burnt."

"It's over, my food!" Ming Jian stood up, turned and ran out of the room.

She clutched her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't dare to say that when facing him just now, her heart was beating fiercely, and she had an inexplicable urge to hug him and kiss him...

Scenery held her head in distress, what's wrong with her brain? She is going to attack the president of the student union called Wen Xian, not to be tempted by this shabby uncle!

When she was struggling alone, Ming Jian rushed to the door again. He scratched his hair and asked without any confidence: "Would you like to eat?"

"...Yes." She clutched her belly, she could not care about anything before eating.

Ming Jian walked to her side, bent over to her naturally, and stretched out his hands.

The scenery asked nervously: "What are you going to do?"

"Hold you to dinner." Ming knows his hand and asked naturally: "Do you think you can go now?"


The answer was revealed in her silence.

Ming knows her waist with one hand, and the other crosses her legs. A princess came to hug easily. The scenery didn't feel embarrassed about his neck, but gently grabbed the clothes on his neckline, his heart beating. She was very powerful, especially when she smelled the faint scent of wine on his body, she felt that the heart in her body was about to jump out, and she couldn't help but grasp his clothes harder.

He suddenly stopped walking.

Scenery raised his eyes to look at him, and saw him solemnly said: "Little girls always have a longing for men older than themselves, so if you like me, don't be shy, this is a normal thing. "

The scenery is like a cat with exploded hair, "Don't be emotional, okay! Who would like you, an old man!"

"Don't the little girl like me?" He seemed to be very distressed and said, "Uncle, I still like you."

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