It seemed that he had misunderstood something. He knew that young people nowadays are really hard to understand, so he asked: "Little girl, are you hungry?"

"Hungry." She answered honestly.

Knowingly and decisively, he had to take another bite on his arm.

She grabbed his hand, "Actually, I don't have to drink blood, I can also eat some other foods."

He raised his lips slightly, and the tenderness in his eyes seemed to overflow, "Don't worry about me, my body recovers quickly, and I am fully capable of being your mobile blood bank."


He lowered his head, kissed her lips and bit again, "I said nothing is okay. Don't make yourself hungry because you worry about me."

"Then... Then don't always eat instant noodles anymore. If you are hungry, I can let you **** my blood." She thought, every time she sucked blood unilaterally from him, her conscience was overwhelmed. He is also considered a vampire, so he should also be able to **** blood.

I wonder if he listened to her, his dark eyes were like shooting stars passing by the night, he asked her, "Do you know what it means that two blood races **** each other's blood?"

"I know..." She didn't pretend to be stupid, but looked at his eyes and answered seriously.

According to the human law, it is necessary to exchange rings when getting married. This is a ritual. For the blood races, sucking each other's blood is like exchanging rings.

Humans use rings to represent the existing family, while the blood races will have each other's family pattern on their bodies after they exchange blood, which means that they belong to each other.

The scenery awkwardly pulled her long hair behind her ears, revealing a graceful neck. She asked him seriously, "Mr. Principal, would you like to **** my blood?"

He didn't speak, but lowered his head and buried it between her neck. First, he stretched out the tip of his warm tongue and licked the white skin on it. Her body trembled, but still did not escape.

He asked softly: "Will you regret it?"

"No." There was no hesitation in answering the two words.

Ming Jian held her hand tightly, and her fangs slowly pierced her skin. The gentle movement made her feel no pain.

Scenery felt the loss of blood, but more, it started from the place where he was bitten by the neck, and soon spread throughout the body. She only then thought that it was written in the book that there are two kinds of husbands and wives. There are ways to make each other's body happy, one is to mate/mate like all the creatures in the world, and the other is to **** the other's blood.

When the other person's fangs pierce the other person's skin, the bodies of the two people will release aphrodisiac messages at the same time.

Scenery couldn't help gasping for breath. She raised her hands and hugged his head buried in her neck tightly. He also had a strong feeling. He hugged her body tightly, wishing to embed her into himself. In the bones.

"Obviously..." She called his name unconsciously, and her body sweated out of her body, but vampires don’t sweat. Then, during sex/behavior, they will have a relationship with humans. The same reaction.

Ming knows slowly sucking the warm liquid flowing out of her body. With the passage of time, his senses have reached an extreme. His body shifted a bit and pressed her on the sofa again. .

She kept panting, biting her lip to prevent her from making strange noises because of the joy of her body, and her gaze at the ceiling gradually became blurred. Her fingers had been inserted between his hair, and her feet were even more intense. Unconsciously put it on his waist.

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