Rumors about Yu Ming knowing that he likes men quickly spread, but so far I haven't seen him with any man.

Ming said with a sigh, "I said I'm old and thinking about getting married, so I'm late, do you believe it?"

Neither Xia Chao nor Wang Ci spoke, and they clearly did not believe them.

Knowing this kind of person, if he wanted to marry a normal man and have a child, he could have done this for hundreds of years, and he would wait until now on a whim to say he wants to get married?

Xia Chao hummed a few words, "You are the original vampire hunter, and now you are half of the blood. You said you want to marry someone. Are you looking for a human or a blood?"

"Well..." Mingshen thought for a while, and then gave an answer, "I choose beautiful women."

"Okay, we don't care what beauty you are looking for." Wang Ci has run out of patience, "I'm going to find my daughter, the dormitory of A, is it the same as before?"

Knowingly nodded, "Of course it's the same, but do you remember how to go? Do you need me to lead the way?"

"We don't have amnesia." Xia Chao glanced at him clearly and left first.

Before Wang left, he said to Ming Jian: "Relax, we know that parents shouldn't come to Osiris. After seeing the scenery, Xia Chao and I left soon."

Mingyi smiled and said nothing.

On the other side of the scenery, sitting in her dormitory, she was waiting. She changed into a high-necked dress, which covered the marks on her neck. She put all her clothes in the cabinet, and put her toothpaste and toothbrushes in the bathroom. In the room, and then messed up the quilt on the bed, as if I had been living here all the time.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

She took a deep breath, and after making sure that there were no flaws, she opened the door and put on a big smile, "Dad, mom, good afternoon."

Xia Chao saw that she was fine, and he was relieved. He hugged his daughter, "It's fine if you are fine."

Although he is usually unsmiling in character and has a stern look at scenery, he still loves his children the most when things happen.

"What can I do? Of course it's good." With a brilliant smile, he stepped away, "You come in quickly."

Knowing that Fengjing always stays up during the day and sleeps at night, the couple came to see her during the day.

Wang Ci suddenly said: "Xia Chao, you go out and stand first."

Xia Chao's eyebrows twitched, "What did you say?"

"I said, you go out and stand first." There was no smile on Wang Ci's face.

Scenery realized something was wrong, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Xia Chao said, "You said let me go out... Am I going to go?" He glanced at his wife's cold expression and was silent for a while, "Well, I'll go out first."

Not only did he go out, he also took the door.

Then, the atmosphere in the room calmed down.

Scenery's eyes were erratic, and she felt stressed. Just as she was thinking of something to say to break the silence, she heard her mother say: "Take off your clothes."


Wang Ci's tone is unquestionable, "Glorious, take off your clothes."

"Wait..." Scenery took a step back, "Even if you are my mother, it is difficult for me to accept this request suddenly."

"It's good to know that I am your mother. What are you troubling to do when I ask you to undress?"

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