The corners of Feng Jing's mouth twitched, and she felt that Yan Luo was probably a female lunatic.

At this time Wen Xian said, "Since you are Yan Luo, where did classmate Zeng Xue go?"

"Of course she is sleeping." With Zeng Xue's body, Yan Luo seemed a little dissatisfied, "This human girl's body is really shriveled, how can I have the style of my back then?"

The scenery honestly stood behind Wen Xian and asked curiously: "Why are you in Zeng Xue's body?"

"It's okay to tell you." Yan Luo raised her hand to her heart and said slowly: "My heart is in this body, and it will wake up in her body. This is a matter of time, although this My body is not perfect, but I have no choice, alas, I can only use it."

Yan Luo's ability is to manipulate blood. Correspondingly, her blood is also unique, that is, to the same kind of vampire, it will have a fatal attraction.

This is why some time ago, Zeng Xue's blood would cause the students of A to lose their sanity collectively.

Wen Xian said, "You know that people from the Senate and Hunters Association appeared at the same time today, and they came for you."

"I know, otherwise why would I suddenly come to this little girl?"

There was wind gathering in Wen Xian's hand, and soon, a long sword made of wind blade appeared, and he calmly said: "If you want to move her, you have to pass me first."

Yan Luo smiled sweetly. Instead of rushing to attack, she went to the window and looked out the window. She said softly, "Look, there is a good show going on outside."

When the scenery looked over subconsciously, I saw that many low-level vampires suddenly appeared outside, and those students in white school uniforms were running wildly. Some people left alone and soon became a vampire's delicacy.

The scenery said loudly: "You are crazy! Those are ordinary humans!"

"Thanks to these ordinary humans, I can slightly distract the old guys in the Senate and the running dogs of the Hunter Association."

Sure enough, after the turmoil/turmoil, people from the Senate and Hunter Association rushed in from all directions, and some students from Part A joined the battle, but although the low-level vampires are not strong, they can win in the number. Over time, they will have the upper hand.

Yan Luo smiled and said, "Little girl doesn't understand. In order to succeed, sometimes sacrifice is inevitable."

"What is your purpose?" Feng Jing said coldly: "Whether you slaughtered pure blood six hundred years ago or caused the slaughter now, you have done so many things, it can't be just because you like killing?"

"Of course not. I hate seeing blood the most." Yan Luo sighed and said in distress, "But in order to restore the great Osiris, I only have this choice."

The scenery was surprised, "What did you say?"

"Don't you understand? I want the great ancestor of vampires, Osiris, to come back to the world. Only with his presence can our blood clan truly become the masters of this world."

When Yan Luo said these words, her expression was serious and her eyes were charming. She was not simply talking about the person "Osiris", but about her own god. She wanted this **** to come to the world and bring a brand new world.

The scenery is incomprehensible. Yan Luo is a pure-blooded nobleman who was called a genius back then. She should be unruly and unrestrained, instead of becoming a fanatical believer in Osiris as he is now.

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