Xia Chao and Wang Ci left, their backs were not easy.

Feng Guang sat back on the bed again, and she had no appetite to try the food from the Senate, even if she was already hungry and dizzy, but for the child in her stomach, she still endured the nausea and sent the Senate to the Senate. The blood came to drink.

Since they said that they would give her three days, they would not be involved in food during these three days. Although the Senate loves sticks and mandarin ducks, it is not so mean.

She was completely forced to a dead end and she didn’t know what to do. The only thing that made her feel lucky now was that she hadn’t been exposed. She prayed that she could be treated as if she didn’t know this. He would never come to the elder. meeting.

But the prayer of the scenery failed.

In the main hall of the Senate, there was a guest today, who was still an uninvited guest.

The elders who were holding the meeting were quiet. They looked at the man who swaggered in from the door and looked at each other.

Because without their consent, it would be impossible for anyone to break in, especially a vampire hunter who was not in the making.

The most calm thing is Mo Feng. He stood up. This is a courtesy to treat people. Then he asked a question everyone wanted to ask, "Mr. Mingsheng, why are you here?"

"Ah, I'm sorry." Ming Jian is still so decadent and sloppy. He scratched his hair and said embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry to disturb you in the meeting."

He sat down opposite Mo Feng casually, and it was obvious that what he said sorry was just a polite remark.

Some elders gradually made voices of dissatisfaction. They did not deny that they knew all the contributions they had made to the Senate and Hunters Association over the years, but this man was still from the side of the vampire hunter. He acted like this in the Senate Lawless, it is too arrogant.

The only person on the scene who could not change his face was probably only Mo Feng. He also sat back in his chair. After feeling that the man was obviously uncomfortable, he could still ask Yanyuely: "Mr. Ming Suddenly Come to our Senate, I don’t know what is important?"

"Is it important? No, no, no..." Ming knows chuckles, "I just came to take my wife home."

Everyone didn't know why for a moment.

He shrugged his shoulders with a distressed expression, "You single old men don't understand. When you get used to sleeping with your wife every day, you can no longer bear to stay alone."

With these words, the faces of those single old men were green and white.

Mo Feng is worthy of being Mo Feng. He has already understood the meaning of Ming Sheng's words first. However, it is him that cannot easily accept this sudden information. He said: "Mr. Ming Sheng, stop talking and laughing. There is no Your wife."

"The dean wanted to say that I made a mistake?" Ming knew his eyes narrowed and smiled like a fox, but the atmosphere in the hall, with his laughter, dropped to a freezing point.

Mo Feng also smiled, wrinkles appeared on his face, with a strong sense of time, "Why don't Mr. Mingsheng make everything clear? Since you are here today, I am afraid you are already ready."

"Hey, don't think too much." Ming knows his eyebrows and smiled: "I am the only one who came today."

He didn't bring such a thing as a companion, because no matter what it was, he was enough.

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