Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 1023: Another World Comes (66)

Soon everyone in the hotel saw the change in the chestnut tree.

A group of people went down to the lobby, stood at the large French windows and looked out.

It is the closest to the hotel wall, so you can see it more clearly.

A bold one walked out of the hotel, but did not dare to go far, and only stood outside the hotel gate.

They didn't dare to approach the chestnut tree. They knew it was mutated and went there. Isn't it stupid? No one wants to try to find out whether the chestnut tree is harmful or not, and how harmful it is.

I planted the tree at the gate of the courtyard.

Who would believe that, when it was planted yesterday, it was only a branch as thick as a finger.

Hey, don't just look at the chestnut trees, look at the walls are covered, it's a kind of thorny vines, it hasn't grown yet yesterday.

They all remembered very clearly that before dark yesterday, there were only a few places on the wall with vine flowers, and other places were blank.

Now, the wall is covered tightly with thorns and vines of unknown species. It is a thick dark green, and the original color of the wall cannot be seen.

Their attention was drawn away by the chestnut tree before, and they didn't notice the change in the fence for a while.

Wu Zhiyan came with a loudspeaker in his hand at the right time, The chestnut tree and wattle have mutated and are aggressive. Everyone try not to get close to the chestnut tree and the fence, let alone hurt them, even breaking a branch. The consequences of not listening conceited.

Wu Zhiyan yelled three times in a row, making sure everyone understood.

Zeng Xinyue looked at Zhang Xiaochen, Hey, you're half right, it's not plants vs zombies, it's plants vs beasts.

After Wu Zhiyan finished yelling, someone asked, Manager Wu, wouldn't it be dangerous to stay in the yard today? Don't pick up beasts anymore? Are you still growing vegetables?

Half of the day yesterday was spent planting trees and transporting beast meat. Just as they felt safe in the yard, the mutated tree took away their sense of security.

Wu Zhiyan said, Pick it up, but you don't need to stay in the yard, wait for the notice when you pick it up. Of course, the vegetables have to be planted, and the vegetables in stock can't last for a few days. If we don't plant them, we will eat nothing.

I know what you are thinking, thinking that as soon as Mr. Xiao's wood power is used, the vegetables will grow up. There is no such good thing, ordinary people may not be able to eat the dishes produced by supernatural powers.

The people in the hotel, except Mr. Xiao, are divided into two categories, one is Qi Ruoxian and his party, and the other is the former employees of the hotel and their families.

Needless to say, Mr. Xiao, without Mr. Xiao, this hotel would have already become a paradise for beasts. No, this hotel has already been taken over by that group of thugs, and they may not survive.

Qi Ruoxian and his party don't need to do anything, because the materials stored in the hotel belong to them.

After the hotel was bought by Qi Ruoxian, she and a group of her friends kept bringing supplies to the hotel. All kinds of supplies for food, even if the warehouse was full, the rooms on the ninth floor were all full. up.

It can be said that the people in the hotel, food and drink are all their things.

So they are still treated as residents and do not need to work.

Then there are the remaining employees and their families, a total of 14 people, all of whom have become new employees.

They work to get food.

Among the fourteen people, two are underage and temporarily do not need to work.

Four of them are in charge of cooking, the two older ones are in charge of cleaning, and the others, including Wu Zhiyan himself, belong to what they have to do every day.

Growing vegetables is a very important job every day.

The food stored in the hotel is enough for a period of time, but there are not many vegetables stored, so growing vegetables is a top priority.

Both types of people knew which type they belonged to, and the difference between them was relatively clear. Of the twelve people who came to the lobby, none of them was bad, and all of them belonged to employees.

Manager Wu is right. Awakened people can still eat a few mouthfuls of beast meat. Ordinary people will die if they dare to eat it. Guo Hailiang is straightforward. Relying on Mr. Xiao, what use is there for us.

Let's go, let's eat, work well when we are full.

When Guo Hailiang said this, everyone felt hungry. The sky and the earth are big, and eating is the biggest thing. Nothing is more important than eating.


On the roof of a building in the distance, a group of people are looking into the Chunyi Hotel with binoculars.

The leader was a fat and strong man. In the morning of ten degrees, he was wearing a sleeveless combat vest, revealing two stripes of thick arms with skulls.

The leopard-eyed man next to him said to the leading man, Brother Hu, look at the window of the second room on the left of the ninth floor, and there are all cans inside. What the old woman said may be true. The room is full of supplies. It’s a good place, you see the roof is covered with solar panels, so you don’t have to worry about the power outage anytime. We don’t have to worry about taking advantage of such a good place.”

The leopard-eyed man is one size smaller than Brother Wu, but he can still be called a strong man just by looking at it, which shows how big Brother Wu is.

A black and thin man nodded in agreement, Bingo is right, if the beast didn't put us here, we would all be living in the Spring Hotel.

Brother Hu put down the binoculars, turned his head and spit out the chewing gum he was chewing, Chunyi Hotel is a good place. It is less destroyed by fierce beasts over there. But... this also shows that Xiao Lan has two brushes. .”

The leopard-eyed man looked again with his binoculars, Brother Hu, let's do it. Didn't that old woman say that there is only one awakened person in the hotel? No matter how powerful, there is only one person who can withstand our wooden barn bullets.

Brother Hu handed the binoculars to the thin black man next to him, Come on, go down and ask that old woman, and then do it after asking.

Listen to Brother Hu. The leopard-eyed man ordered a bald man, Go and find that Yu.

A group of people surrounded Brother Hu and went downstairs to the roof.

This is a high-end office building.

A group of people came to the luxurious office on the top floor.

Brother Hu sat on the swivel chair behind the desk, turned around in a circle, and put his feet on the table, only then did he feel comfortable.

The bald man brought a middle-aged woman over.

Yu Gaidi stooped and entered the room.

Her exposed face and hands were covered with wounds.

Seeing the leopard-eyed man, she couldn't help but tremble, because the wound on her body was hit by the leopard-eyed man, because she felt that she had lied.

She was lying.

She knew Brother Hu.

Her son Li Xiaogang played mahjong a few times in Brother Wu's place, and owed a debt of 50,000 yuan. The person she used to redeem the money was a little late, and his son was beaten.

Later, I heard that Brother Hu had awakened his supernatural powers and became more powerful than before.

Moreover, Brother Hu did not dare to go to the safe zone. An identity check was required to enter the safe zone. Brother Hu had a life on his back, and he might be arrested as soon as he went to the safe zone.

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