Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 1034: Another World Comes (77)

Zhuang Tianshun was also restless, twisting his chin a few times to hold his respect, Lu Zhou, tell the vehicles behind to speed up and leave Sining City before the other party reacts.

Lu Zhou notified immediately.

The slipping car picked up speed and drove out of the city as if fleeing.

There were more than a dozen cars, how could Yu Hua not see them, she not only saw them, but also observed who they were, what was in the cars, and what they wanted to do.

She knew that these people had plans to leave.

She didn't mean to stop these people at all.

These people don't want to plant trees for her, they are of no use to her, and it doesn't matter if they leave or not.

Fifty people, a dozen awakened people, and a dozen wooden warehouses, it would be a miracle to be able to walk safely to the safe zone.

If they were lucky, they would have a higher chance of surviving when they encountered soldiers from the Shiyun safe area to clean up the beasts. Otherwise, all of them would be wiped out.

He Jichun and the others were escorted by an armored convoy, and escorted them all the way to the outside of Sining City. Three people entered the city, and one died.

It was to send He Jichun and the others to gather information, and it was also to scout the way for the He family.

These people dared to go on the road in ordinary cars, and Yu Hua admired their courage.

Seeing Yu Hua approaching, Wen Yubin led the people downstairs.

Moved the branches from Yuhua's car to their car, so that it will be convenient for planting tomorrow.

Mutated plants have stronger vitality. No matter what tree species, the branches will not die even if they are thrown casually for a few days.

Yuhua told Wen Yubin the area that needs to be planted tomorrow.

Trees were not planted randomly, they were planted in the right place, so that all the members of the He family with heavy weapons could stay, and they had to prevent them from destroying Si Ning City.

During the tide of ferocious beasts, many houses in Sixing City were destroyed, and the He family bombarded them again, and there was no way to see Sixing City.

She doesn't know how long she will live here, she doesn't want to live in a dilapidated city.

It is for their safety to delineate the area where they will plant in advance and which area to plant on which day.

For those who are willing to work for her, Yuhua will not let them take too much risk, every day she will go there first, clean up the beasts, and minimize the probability of them encountering beasts.

If they really meet, these people have wooden warehouses in their hands, and some have supernatural powers, which can resist for a while. When she heard the sound of the wooden warehouse, she would pay attention to it, and she would take action if she needed to.

Now there is another security guarantee.

Yuhua gave Wen Yubin a stack of chestnut leaves, Take these leaves well. If you encounter a beast, run to the area where you planted trees. Those trees will deal with the beast. You carry this leaf on your body, and those trees will not attack you.

It takes a lot of energy to grow from a branch to a tree.

A circle of chestnut trees and thorns in the hotel grew into big trees overnight. It was Yuhua who fed them a large number of beasts, eating more than half of the beasts she killed in the tide of beasts.

That's how many trees.

Thousands of trees have been planted now, and there are not so many ferocious beasts to supply them.

By absorbing energy from the surrounding environment by themselves, the growth rate is not so fast.

Most of the beasts that Yu Hua killed these days were fed to them, allowing them to grow to the point of attack.

Thank you, Miss Xiao. Wen Yubin put away the leaves.

He originally thought that it was because Miss Xiao had wood-type abilities that made these branches look unusual, but after planting them for a few days, he found that the branches themselves seemed to be unusual.

There are alien worlds, ferocious beasts, and abilities, and there is nothing unacceptable to have a mutated tree.

But Miss Xiao didn't say anything and he didn't ask.

This is the last batch of trees to be planted. After the planting is finished tomorrow, I will pay you an extra three days of food, and our cooperation will end. Hua Hua said.

The more mutant trees are planted, the better. If too many plants are planted, the control of the mother tree will be weakened.

After all the branches are planted, more than 10,000 trees are enough.

Wen Yubin really didn't want to end the work of planting trees, which was the only link between them and Miss Xiao.

Why are there so few ferocious beasts wandering around the office building these days? Wen Yubin felt that it was Miss Xiao who did it secretly. Because when Brother Hu was around, the beasts smelled people, so they often rushed into the office building.

Now they can't help Miss Xiao, and Miss Xiao still takes care of them for no reason.

Wen Yubin said helplessly, Miss Xiao, half of our people have left with Zhuang Tianshun to go to the safe zone today. I suspect that Zhuang Tianshun has other plans, but none of them listened to me, saying that I was sowing discord.

Yu Hua didn't care, Well, I met them.

Wen Yubin mentioned this matter firstly to show his sincerity by truthfully explaining the situation, and secondly to let Xihua know that there are fewer people on their side.

There were many of them before, and the other party was unwilling to accept them. Now that there are fewer of them, and the few are still those who are unstable, will the other party be able to accept them?

He tried to ask again, Miss Xiao, can we live with you in Chunyi Hotel? It's not for nothing, we still work for you, any job is fine.

You can't represent everyone, can you? Yu Hua knew better than Wen Yubin the thoughts of those left behind, Some people prefer to live freely, don't they?

More than 30 people with Naling physique have awakened their abilities one after another, a dozen left, and a dozen remained.

With abilities, there are more ideas.

There are quite a few people who fantasize about achieving a career in the last days.

There are also people who are confident that they can make their families nourish in the last days with their own abilities.

They regarded the matter of planting trees for her as a small part of the big event.

They just took this time to stock up on supplies and look for a safer place to live.

After tomorrow, they will live according to their own vision.

Wen Yubin said hurriedly, I only represent the people who have clearly stated that they want to leave with you. There are about twenty people in total.

I think you should make other plans. Enemies will come to my door in a few days. It's not safe where I am. Zi Hua reminded, Those people came to occupy Sining City. You met , as long as you don’t resist, they won’t kill you.”

This news made Wen Yubin wonder whether he should leave for the safe zone.

Zi Hua saw what Wen Yubin was thinking, The last time a large force moved to a safe area, thousands of people died along the way and even more were injured.

This news came from He Jichun, and it was similar to what Juhua had expected.

I didn't expect there to be so many casualties. Wen Yubin didn't know what to think. He was either lucky or unhappy that he didn't follow the large army.

He couldn't make a decision because he didn't represent one person, but more than twenty. With this bad news, he had to discuss it with others quickly.


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