Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 898 The system teaches you to be a fierce man (9)

A policeman came, and an ambulance came a while later, and many police cars came a while later. There was such a big commotion, and it was in a hotel with so many people talking, it was impossible to hide it.

People in the entertainment industry were also involved. The paparazzi took notice of the news, and soon true and false news was flying all over the place.

Some people say it was a gathering of people who committed poison, and some said it was an accident caused by playing a few games. Anyway, if something serious happens, it will be made up.

When someone revealed that the rich man Yan Xinzhi was also involved, the matter suddenly became a hot topic.

Money can buy a lot of news. Not long after, the photos of this dinner party leaked out. The two 18-line artists in it didn't attract much attention, because Cheng Wu attracted most of the attention.

According to the status of an actress, Cheng Wu is not even a four or five tier, but she is too beautiful, and it was revealed that she is the illegitimate daughter of the well-known rich man Tan Qijun, and now the attention is high.

Cheng Wu appeared in the suspected drug incident, the media seemed to smell bloody sharks, and conducted a comprehensive digging on Cheng Wu, digging out all the black material about her.

For a time, Cheng Wu's reputation became even greater.

[Let’s not talk about anything else, Cheng Wu is really beautiful, and she becomes more and more beautiful as she grows older. She is much more beautiful now than she was when she was eighteen years old]

[Not to mention it was plastic surgery, does anyone know which hospital Cheng Wu had her surgery at? I want to register.]

【Hehe, what is there to praise about a second-generation womanizer】

[Cheng Wu, get out of the entertainment industry now]

[Hey, I heard that Mr. Yan (I hope it won't be blocked, I just deleted a comment just now, the power of capital), is very good at playing, Cheng Wu found such a benefactor, then Greasy face, really easy to swallow]

[Handsome, rich, and self-disciplined benefactors can only be found in novels, in reality, they are all greasy bald old men]

[No, I saw a post saying that Cheng Wu found out that she had been drugged, and then called the police. Yan, who always followed Yu Liangtian's President Jin and Cheng Wu's manager, were taken away]

[I saw it too, but I don’t know if it’s true or not. Let’s wait a while before drawing any conclusions. There is one thing I don't understand, I searched, and Cheng Wu's matter will not reach the level of anger, how could it be blacked out all over the Internet]

[Bai Lian Huabei, in the debut talent show, that Bai Lian is so cool, it really makes people vomit]

[According to the reports of her high school classmates, it is said that Cheng Wu started clinging to rich classmates when she was in high school, but everyone knows what kind of virtue she is, and no one is fooled]

[The most pitiful person is @Chen Fei. Yes, when she debuted, she formed a group with Cheng Wu and became a sister flower partner. Heh, what is the flower and leaf combination, which means that Cheng Wu is a red flower, and Chen Fei is a green leaf to set off her. Cheng Wu’s face is so big]

Chen Fei brushed her scarf, seeing that when Cheng Wu was mentioned, most of them scolded Cheng Wu, she couldn't help but feel happy.

So what about the beauty, she has been leading her by the nose like a dog for a few years.

Chen Fei, do you still support Cheng Wu? the manager Wan Ping asked.

Ever since Wan Ping became Chen Fei's manager, she disapproved of the interaction between Chen Fei and Cheng Wu. They have a good relationship, and it's okay to meet in private, but Cheng Wu will be involved in the public interaction.

But Chen Fei did not adopt her suggestion.

It turned out that Wan Ping was worried in vain. Not only was Chen Fei's reputation not affected by the interaction with Cheng Wu, but because she never left her friend, she gained a lot of goodwill, and her reputation gradually increased.

Wan Ping could tell that Chen Fei was using Cheng Wu as a control group, using Cheng Wu's badness to set off Chen Fei's goodness, and using Cheng Wu's beautiful appearance to highlight Chen Fei's inner beauty.

Besides, Chen Fei's appearance is not bad, but he doesn't have many characteristics, so it is not easy for people to remember. With the unforgettable Cheng Wu as a comparison, it will enhance other people's memory of Chen Fei.

As for Chen Fei's duplicity, Wan Ping didn't care. She and Chen Fei are in a cooperative relationship. Chen Fei can make her earn money, so it doesn't matter to her how she treats Cheng Wu.

Because of Chen Fei's relationship, she has had a lot of contact with Hui Chengwu in private, and she can see that Cheng Wu is really pure, a white lotus in the pure sense, not the one who has been smeared.

She just guarded against Chen Fei in her heart, lest Chen Fei plot her against her.

Chen Fei raised her head and smiled at Wan Ping, Sister Ping, do you think I should support Cheng Wu, my good sister?

Wan Ping spread her hands as before, Can I control you? Let's see what you think. Cheng Wu may be banned this time. According to reliable sources, she was drugged. After she took it, He went crazy and beat up Yan Xinzhi and Mr. Jin.

Yan Xinzhi is a man who must take revenge, and Cheng Wu can't stay here any longer. In the past, if you didn't draw a clear line with Cheng Wu, fans would sympathize with you.

But when the sympathy of fans reaches the bottom, it will produce rebellion. I'm afraid that fans will say that you are not clear-headed, and your image of an intellectual big sister will be ruined.

As expected of my manager, it's exactly what I thought. Chen Fei's eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help revealing a hint of complacency, I've decided to give up this friendship.


Cheng Wu woke up the next morning.

Soon after, the police came and took a note of her.

Ms. Cheng, please answer something truthfully. How did you know that you were drugged?

Cheng Wu already had the answer, My sense of taste is very good. After drinking, I feel that the taste of wine is not right.

This is not a lie. After taking the pill of washing marrow, not only the sense of taste, but also the sense of hearing, vision and touch have been greatly improved.

When the system drank the wine with her body, she tasted a bit of bitterness in the wine.

So you hit someone?

Cheng Wu shook her head, I don't know, I had a headache at the time, my mind was in a mess, I just wanted to vent my heart, I don't know anything else.

When I cleared my mind, I stopped playing.

This is what the system taught her to say.

No one can say what kind of side effects taking illegal drugs will have on the human body. No one dares to say that it is impossible for her temper to become tyrannical under the effect of drugs.

Who made her really drugged.

The system said that she was still very weak and was originally a victim, so she sat firmly in the victim's position.

There was a breakthrough in the case of Secretary Zhang. From the hidden interlayer of Secretary Zhang's carry-on bag, a prohibited drug with the same composition was found. There was Secretary Zhang's fingerprint on the outer packaging of the drug.

Impossible. Secretary Zhang yelled, Someone must have set me up.

Let's take a look. The policeman showed him the evidence, There are your fingerprints on it.

When Secretary Zhang saw it, his face changed drastically. He recognized it. Why couldn't he recognize the things he packed with his own hands? But he obviously flushed into the toilet, how could he appear here.

Could it be that his memory was confused?

With the facts in front of him, it didn't take long for Secretary Zhang to break his guard and confess the facts.

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