Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 912 The system teaches you to be a tough guy (23)

When a customer came to the door, Mao Guangping greeted him, Master Wu, are you here?

Wu Zhuoyu asked Mao Guangping, That Cheng Wu just now, what did she buy here?

Mao Guangping smiled, I'm sorry, Master Wu, this is the customer's privacy, and I can't tell if the customer disagrees.

Wu Zhuoyu was unhappy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, Boss Mao just knows how to do business. That's fine, I'm just asking casually.

Master Wu understands. Master Wu, what do you want today...

Seeing that the two were talking about business, Xi Hua withdrew her mental power.

It turned out that this person was Su Mengyu who had mentioned Wu Zhuoyu.

Wu Zhuoyu mentioned Cheng Wu's name, and Xi Hua noticed it.

Cheng Wu's photos appeared frequently on the Internet during this period, it is not surprising that Wu Zhuoyu recognized Cheng Wu.

On the way back, Cheng Wu met those gangsters.

After being beaten twice, the gangsters changed places.

Cheng Wu later had more important matters to deal with, so she didn't go to them again.

It seems that these gangsters have not changed their minds, and they are going to block girls again.

Coincidentally, it was the girl Cheng Wu met for the first time.

Cheng Wu won't ignore it, besides, she just spent a lot of money, her flesh hurts, and she just vented her anger, System, let's have another actual combat training. The system will blur her appearance, so that these gangsters can't recognize her .

This kind of good deed is not unacceptable to Xihua.

Cheng Wu ran over, put the box on the ground, and ran towards the gangsters with her fists raised.

Ah, that girl is here again.


Run what, run, go.

How did we offend you? Why do we always have trouble with us?

Cheng Wu had nothing to say to them, and just came up to fight.

This time, Cheng Wu beat them with ease, within two minutes, they beat all the gangsters to the ground.

Cheng Wu left after beating.

Saying nothing will help this kind of bastard.

I can only vent my anger for the victim with a beating.

After walking for a while, Cheng Wu sensed a gaze, she turned her head abruptly, and found someone peeping at her in the corner of a convenience supermarket.

It was the girl who was blocked by gangsters.

The girl didn't dare to look at her, she lowered her head, thinking of something, and ran over from the corner of the room.

The girl's tear-stained face was full of guilt, and she bowed to Cheng Wu, Thank you, and, I'm sorry. Before Cheng Wu could say anything, she turned and ran away.

When Cheng Wu saw the girl, it was as if she saw herself back then.

She can empathize with her. The girl said she was sorry because she didn't call the police after she ran away last time.

This time she didn't run away, but hid aside.

When Cheng Wu herself encountered this incident, she did not choose to call the police or tell the teacher immediately, mother.

At that time, she was indoctrinated by the whole society and believed that it was shameful to be intercepted and bullied by gangsters. She spoke out and let her mother be pointed out along with her.

Cheng Wu's heart was moved, System, I really want to do something for her.

It is also for my past self, for those who are as powerless as my past self to resist those bullies, and do something.


Seeing that the next talisman to learn is the transporting talisman, Cheng Wu gave the system a small look of resentment, System, when I move, it would be great to have this transporting talisman.

She can move it, but it's tiring. With the carrying talisman, the box she carries will be as light as a ball of air, effortlessly.

You didn't ask. In fact, you can also use space to carry it.

Being used to being bullied by the system, Cheng Wu has been able to keep her face from being bullied, ...system, don't you say that you can only enter the system space with consciousness.

I didn't say I only have that one space.

Cheng Wu was pleasantly surprised, System, you have room for people to enter!

The legendary space, I don't know if it can grow things, if it can, she will not have to worry about eating fruits and vegetables in the future, yes, she can also make money from this.

Yes. But if I use it in this world, I will pay a very high price. Yu Hua actually gave Cheng Wu a choice. She has a lot of space equipment, and many of them can be used in this world.

If Cheng Wu chooses to ask for a space, she will give it to her. After giving it, she will leave, and she will not care about what will happen to Cheng Wu in the future.

Cheng Wu didn't think much about it, Forget it. Meeting you is my greatest luck, I can't be too greedy.

Whether it was the truth or not, Yuhua could tell that she was right about Cheng Wu, and gave her a hope, The space talisman can also store items, but it is temporary, and it will expire after a period of use.

Cheng Wu was even happier, Temporary is fine.

It is very exciting to think about creating a space by yourself.

At your current level, you still can't draw a space symbol.

Cheng Wu was not shocked, I can't draw it now, but one day I will be able to draw it successfully.

The carrier of the space talisman cannot use talisman paper, it is difficult to make, and the materials are difficult to find.

Difficult to find also means expensive. Cheng Wu spent more than 8,000 yuan on the talisman paper cinnabar used to draw talismans.

The real thing is not cheap, and it hurts her to spend it.

Cheng Wu sighed in her heart, System, I have to find a way to make money, otherwise I can't afford the materials.

With the purchase of talisman materials and other expenses during this period, her savings kept dropping.

To rectify her mother's name and seek justice for herself, she lost the desire to go out for a moment.

She likes this period of staying at home very much, and she doesn't have to care about anything outside.

She also knew that she couldn't stay at home like this without contact with the outside world. She needed money to pay for food, drink, and rent.

Cheng Wu thought about it and decided that being an artist was the most feasible option, But I don't really want to sign a contract with another company right now.

Several companies have already offered her an olive branch, but she just said they would consider it.

After finally leaving one company, she was not mentally ready to join another company.

The resources in the entertainment industry are limited and are basically held by various entertainment companies and industry leaders.

Without signing a contract, it would be difficult to have the resources to find her.

In the past, her announcement schedule was all arranged by Bian Yugui, so she didn't have to worry about it, but she didn't have many connections.

Zihua said nothing. She is not really in the movie queen growth system. Whether Cheng Wu can go far in her career depends on Cheng Wu herself.

She just taught Cheng Wu what she wanted to learn and ensured Cheng Wu's safety. Cheng Wu had to do the rest by herself.

Cheng Wu retreated and asked for the next best thing, System, what do you think of me doing a live broadcast? Those companies want to sign me, aren't they because I have some popularity now? If I want to start a live broadcast, there will always be some traffic, right? If I have traffic, I can Make money.

Live streaming has only just started two years ago, and there are still very few artists willing to become internet celebrities.

You make your own decision. Yuhua said, If you decide, I can help you choose a good live broadcast platform.

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