Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 962: Another world is coming (5)

The original owner's mother kept telling her to save some private money so that she would not panic if something happened, so don't tell Fan Hongliang about the money.

The original owner listened to her mother, and kept half of the money her parents gave her as a subsidy, and put it all into this card. She didn't expect it to be her last resort.

But she didn't dare to spend it, for fear that Fan Hongliang would find out and take it away. For more than a year, every time she paid her salary, Fan Hongliang would take more than half of it, saying that it was Xiao An and Xiao Ning's rent and meal money. .

Yu Hua put the bank card in her bag and left the room.

Xiao An and Xiao Ning are already dressed, and each is also wearing a thick jacket.

woo woo woo woo--

Two short sirens sounded in succession, followed by a pause, and two more short beeps, which meant to clear the front alarm.

Xiao Ning puffed out his cheeks and exhaled, It's finally over, we can go out now.

Let's go. Yu Hua led the two of them out.

It may be because the alarm has just been lifted. There are few people going out, the elevator goes up quickly, and the ten floors go down quickly.

Xiao An, Xiao Ning, one on each side, held Yu Hua's arm tightly.

The cake shop is not far away, about ten minutes walk.

When I first left the community, there were not many pedestrians, but after walking for a while, there were more pedestrians.

Generally speaking, this kind of alarm sound can be disarmed within a few minutes. In the past few months, I have heard it no less than ten times, and many people are used to it.

However, people walking on the road will hide in places such as shops and restaurants when they hear it. In case of a fierce beast coming, the road that is not covered is the most dangerous.

Sister, look quickly, the Awakened! Xiao Ning excitedly shook Yu Hua's arm, and pointed his other hand at a man in a camouflage uniform with a blue armband on his arm not far away.

The armbands are true blue with shining blue light, beautiful, eye-catching, and full of sci-fi feel.

Xiao Ning wasn't too abrupt, and many passers-by looked at the man and his armband with envious eyes.

I wish I could become an awakened one. Xiao An expressed the aspirations of everyone.

Awakened, it is so enviable and jealous, it is impossible to hate, if you dare to hate the awakened, the awakened will immediately let you taste what it means to wish for time to return.

Great changes in the world do not only refer to disasters, but also great changes in people.

One month after the sky collapsed, some people discovered that they possessed unusual abilities.

These abilities are various, some people can control water, some can control fire, some people can become stronger, and some can fly a certain distance from the ground.

There are also some strange abilities. There is a person whose hair grows to one meter overnight. After cutting it off, as long as the nutrition keeps up, it can grow another meter overnight.

These people are called Awakened.

The number of awakened people is very small, not necessarily one in ten thousand, and awakening is a natural ability, there is no way to artificially awaken it.

No matter how rich you are, how high an official you are, you will become an awakened person without talent.

Because of the small number of people, all awakened people, no matter what ability they awakened, will be recruited by the state and given high treatment.

Who is not envious.

The Awakened with blue armbands was accompanied by four heavily armed soldiers.

A group of people are used to being stared at by others, so they walk and stop in their own way.

The Awakened is the leader, he walks, the four soldiers follow, he stops, and the four soldiers stand guard around him.

Someone among the passers-by raised their hands above their heads and patted them, shouting at the awakened person, Good job!

All awakened people are sensitive to changes in space.

Where space breaks appear, there are tiny fluctuations in space for a long period of time, and ordinary people cannot perceive such fluctuations.

The awakened person can sense it, but it needs to be sensed at close range, so there is an arrangement for the awakened person in front of him to patrol around.

The induction of the awakened will consume their own abilities, and this kind of dedication is respected by the public.

The awakened person looked at the clapping person, with no expression on his face, and just nodded slightly.

The awakened person suddenly looked to the side of the clapping person, and walked over quickly.

Xiao An became nervous, and took Yu Hua's hand, Sister, the awakened ones are coming here, is there a beast coming here, let's run.

Xiao Ning also looked up at Yu Hua, Sister, do you want to run?

Yu Hua glanced at the awakened person and said, There is no warning, it cannot be that a fierce beast is coming.

If there is a possibility of space fracture, the four soldiers will report it immediately and give an immediate warning to evacuate.

She was sure that the Awakened was coming for her.

She has eaten the panacea, and she has an aura of aura on her body.

And the supernatural power of the awakened person, fundamentally speaking, is also a kind of aura utilization.

Not far away, the awakener walked up to the three of Yuhua in a few breaths, looked at Yuhua, You are also an awakener? What ability did you awaken?

Xiao An Xiao Ning looked up at Yu Hua in surprise. Their sister is an Awakened?

The passers-by next to him were surprised and cast envious eyes.

Not all are envious, some are uneasy.

At a street corner, Fan Hongliang felt a chill when he heard the awakened person's words.

After escaping the alarm from a restaurant, he saw Xiao Lan walking in front with two cubs, and he became angry.

It seemed that the beating was still light. When he walked forward, Xiao Lan, that bitch, ran out on his back.

At that time, he saw that something was wrong, thinking that he had beaten him to death, so he ran out to think of a way out, but he didn't expect that he was thinking too much. Bitches are tough.

However, he took all the money in her bag, how did she pay the bill when she came out to buy things? Could it be that Xiao Lan hid the money somewhere else? Fan Hongliang followed the three of them.

Hearing that the blue armband awakener said Xiao Lan was an awakener, Fan Hongliang was startled.

He had heard stories about how countless awakened people awakened. Some woke up from sleep and found themselves awakened, and some encountered accidents and suddenly awakened.

Could it be that Xiao Lan was awakened by him? Not a good thing for him.


Yuhua: No.

The awakened man frowned and said to himself, Did I feel wrong?

As if to make amends for himself, he said to Yuhua, You may be awakening soon.

Yu Hua's voice was calm, I have a good word from you.

The awakened person didn't say anything more, turned his head and left.

Xiao Ning smiled happily, Sister, the awakener said that you are about to awaken.

Xiao An tapped Xiao Ning's forehead, You are stupid, you believe what others say, and my sister says no. Sister, let's go quickly.

At the street corner, Fan Hongliang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Xiao Lan's denial, and then heard the awakened person say that Xiao Lan might soon be awakened, a ruthlessness flashed across his face, and he made a decision.

He no longer followed the three siblings, and turned in another direction.

Yu Hua had seen Fan Hongliang following behind like a thief, so she didn't want to pay attention to him.

It's not easy to deal with him on the street, let him be more respectful.

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