"Sister, can I stay at your house?" Rong Qi nervously grabbed Wange's hand, not daring to look up at her, and was afraid that he would be rejected.

"Of course, Xiaoqi can stay as long as he wants." Wan Ge smiled faintly and gently touched his head.

After feeling that the little baby in her arms was relaxed, Wan Ge reached out and picked up a candy on the table and unwrapped it for him: "This is a new candy that my father asked someone to bring back. It's delicious. You should try it too."

Rong Qi obediently opened his mouth and held the candy in his mouth. He really felt very sweet, a sweetness that reached the tip of his heart.

Rong Qi didn't feel much except that it was very sweet, because all his attention fell on sister Wan Ge beside him.

It's summer vacation now, so Wan Ge doesn't have to go to school. Rong Qi is not yet old enough to go to elementary school, but their winter and summer vacations are about the same as those of elementary school.

Therefore, Rong Qi stayed at Wange's house all day until his parents got home from work and found that the child had been at someone else's house for a day, so they went to the door to take the child home.

"Xiao Qi, go home with your mother, stop playing." Mrs. Rong saw Rong Qi playing with building blocks with Wan Ge as soon as she entered Wan Ge's house.

The moment he saw his mother, Rong Qi put down the building blocks in his hand and quickly hid behind Wan Ge, holding her clothes tightly with both hands, and buried his head directly in Wan Ge's back, not daring to look at Mrs. Rong at all.

After seeing her son like this, Mrs. Rong was stunned for a moment.

Mrs. Xi also clearly felt that Xiao Rong Qi was afraid of his mother. What was going on? Mr. and Mrs. Rong were usually very friendly to everyone. As long as they were not competitors, they were always gentle and polite, but the child was so afraid of her?

She asked why Xiao Rong Qi stayed here all day. Although he would occasionally come to Wan Ge after Wan Ge brought him home a few days ago, he was not like today.

Did they treat Xiao Rong Qi fiercely? So Xiao Rong Qi was afraid? No way!

She had heard her daughter say that Rong Qi was timid and didn't want to scare him or tease him.

"Xiao Qi..." Madam Rong softened her voice and slowly walked towards her child. "Will you go home with mom?"

Rong Qi hid behind Wan Ge and shook his head, his eyes instantly reddened: "Sister, I... I don't want to..."

"Okay, if you don't want to go back, don't go back, don't cry." Wan Ge held his cheek and gently wiped away the tears in his eyes.

Then he turned to Madam Rong and said: "Auntie, since Xiao Qi doesn't want to go back, let him stay at my house."

"But this is not good." Madam Rong squatted down again, looked at her child, and said softly: "Xiao Qi, did mom do something to make you unhappy? Mom apologizes, okay? You can't stay at sister Wan Ge's house."

"Why?" Why not? Sister Wan Ge said it was okay.

"Xiao Qi has his own home, Xiao Qi should go back to his own home." Madam Rong patiently explained to her son again.

Rong Qi didn't say anything else, but still held Wan Ge's clothes tightly.

At this time, Mrs. Xi also came forward and took Mrs. Rong to talk to her somewhere else: "Are you mean to the child? It's normal for children to have tempers. Otherwise, let him stay at my house for one night. Maybe he will figure it out tomorrow morning."

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