When Wan Ge woke up in the morning, Rong Qi was still sleeping quietly. Although he was only five or six years old, he looked really good. He had the cuteness that he should have at this age, and he also had extremely delicate facial features. He would probably be more delicate when he grows up.

He would be less immature by then, but he should still be very cute.

Wan Ge didn't want to wake him up, but Rong Qi moved just after he got up and put on his shoes.

When Wan Ge looked back, he saw the soft and cute doll sitting on the bed, rubbing his eyes in confusion. His confused and innocent look was really cute.

Rong Qi looked at Wan Ge beside him and called her sister obediently. He didn't seem to react to the scene in front of him at all.

"Xiao Qi is awake, let's go brush our teeth together." Wan Ge walked back to him, pulled him up, waited for him to put on his shoes, and went into the bathroom to wash together.

Rong Qi doesn't brush his teeth very often at his age. Usually, he is accompanied by a servant. But today, his sister is with him. Although he is not very good at it, he still watched Wan Ge and imitated her movements, and soon finished washing smoothly.

Mrs. Xi just got up and heard that the two children had gotten up and washed. Seeing that their faces were clean and their spirits were in good condition, she was very satisfied: "Wang Ge helped his brother brush his teeth today, right? Great."

After saying that, he touched her head and squatted down to look at little Rong Qi: "Did Xiao Qi sleep well last night? Were you happy?"

Rong Qi nodded obediently, very happy, and slept very well.

In fact, the first time his family asked Rong Qi to face his fear, the young Rong Qi started to have nightmares. Originally, at his age, he should have wild dreams, or he would not dream at all because he didn't understand anything, but he had nightmares because of the fear of shock.

He has not been sleeping well for a while until yesterday when he was with Wan Ge. Maybe he felt that this sister would always protect him, so he no longer felt afraid and felt safe around her.

"That's good, in that case, let's go have breakfast together." Mrs. Xi picked up Rong Qi, and the other took her daughter to the restaurant downstairs.

The chef had already prepared a delicate breakfast, and the breakfast for the child would be richer and look more colorful.

When he was halfway through breakfast, a sound came from upstairs. Mr. Xi walked downstairs while tidying up his clothes.

Finally, he walked to the dining table, hugged his wife, and whispered in her ear: "Wife, I'm going to the company first, and I'll come back early to have dinner with you in the evening."

"Okay." Mrs. Xi answered, and picked up the breakfast on the side and handed it to the man next to her: "Don't forget to eat breakfast."

"Yeah." Mr. Xi responded obediently, then kissed Mrs. Xi and left.

Mrs. Xi is a painter. Her family conditions are very good, which also allows her to only paint what she loves and only paint when she wants to paint.

Before she had children, she might have traveled around the world. After she had children, she wanted to accompany them as they grew up, so she stayed at home and would occasionally take them on a trip when they didn't have to go to school.

Mr. Xi and Mrs. Xi were childhood sweethearts and had been in love since they were young, but they were also in a sister-brother relationship.

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