Mrs. Rong nodded. Of course she hoped that Wan Ge and Xiao Qi would be together. They were so well matched and Wan Ge was so good. She also liked her so much. They were perfect together, okay?

I don’t know which bad woman kidnapped Xiao Qi. No! It can’t be like this. I feel sorry for her little Wan Ge. The little husband I have raised for so many years is making wedding clothes for others.

“Where are they now!” After thinking about it again and again, Mrs. Rong decided to go and see. I can’t just let it go!

Mr. Rong obediently reported the address.

Rong Qi had just finished eating and heard the knock on the door again. He opened the door with a puzzled look and saw his mother: “Mom, why are you here?”

“I just came to see which little vixen seduced you away.” Mrs. Rong said as she walked in. After walking in, she was stunned because she saw Wan Ge sitting there eating.

Wan Ge put down her chopsticks when she heard the noise, and looked up to see Madam Rong: "Mom, why are you here?"

Wan Ge has called Madam Rong mom since she was a child. For her, she will become a mother-in-law in the future anyway, so she might as well skip the word "fuck" and just call her mom.

Madam Xi didn't care at all. As long as she wasn't her husband's mistress, she didn't mind having another mother to spoil her daughter.

But why didn't Xiao Qi want to do that!

"Ahem! I... I just heard that Xiao Qi was in love, so I came to see." Oh my God! Is it really Wan Ge? Has her dream come true? Or is she still dreaming now.

Wan Ge was about to walk towards Madam Rong, but Madam Rong came forward and hugged Wan Ge directly: "Fortunately it's you, it's really great."

It's really great to have Wan Ge as her daughter-in-law. She shouldn't have thought about it. Xiao Qi is so dependent on Wan Ge that she is still willing to stay in the Xi family even in high school. He should only like Wan Ge.

"Mom, I'm with Wan Ge, we're together!" Mother wouldn't think that her love affair was fake, right? Wouldn't she think that she wouldn't be in love with Wan Ge, right?

"I know." Mrs. Rong let go of Wan Ge and walked to her son again: "You must be good to Wan Ge, do you know?"

Wan Ge has been very good to him since he was a child, and has always been protecting him.

Rong Qi nodded seriously, of course he would be good to Wan Ge.

"Mom, do you want to have lunch together?" Wan Ge also took the initiative to say to his mother-in-law.

Mrs. Rong shook her head, she would not disturb their world of two people: "No, I'm going to have lunch alone with my husband, you guys eat slowly, I'm leaving first."

After saying that, Mrs. Rong left.

Mr. Rong was waiting on the first floor, and saw that his wife was in a good mood. What was going on? Didn't she go up angrily just now?

The reason why Mr. Rong chose to wait on the first floor was that he felt that Rong Qi would definitely not bully his mother, and it would not be good for his wife to go alone to chat with a little girl, so he chose to wait on the first floor.

I didn't expect the lady to come down so quickly, and she seemed very happy. Was the matter resolved, or was it that the girl who resolved it for her?

When Mr. Rong walked over, he heard his wife happily say: "My CP came true, hehe."

Mr. Rong was stunned for a moment: "You mean, the girl with Xiaoqi is Wan Ge?"

Mrs. Rong nodded happily: "Let's go, let's go eat."

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