"Oh." Mr. Rong breathed a sigh of relief. He thought his wife had known about it for a long time but didn't tell him, and thought his wife didn't love him anymore.

But his son was the big boss behind that company, so there was no question of whether to acquire it or not. Anyway, his current company would belong to his son sooner or later.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the Rong couple returned to their own home next door. Rong Qi followed Wan Ge back to her room silently.

Mr. Xi, who was following behind them, wanted to speak, but was stopped by his wife again.

"But... wouldn't it be bad for them to sleep together now?" Mr. Xi said pitifully.

Mrs. Xi raised her eyebrows: "Not good? Why didn't you feel that when you did it that year?"

If she hadn't stopped it early, she would have done it when she was younger.

"That's different..." He really loved his wife at that time, but now it's his daughter, and he always feels that something is wrong.

Mr. Xi seemed to understand why his father-in-law was so pale and didn't like him for a long time.

"Let's go back to the room." Mrs. Xi took her husband's hand.

Mr. Xi followed absentmindedly.

Mrs. Xi raised her eyebrows and stopped: "If you don't want to go back with me, then go to the guest room by yourself."

After saying that, Mrs. Xi wanted to let go of his hand.

Mr. Xi was immediately nervous and hugged his wife into his arms. After picking up his wife, he went back to the room and closed the door: "I don't want to, I want to sleep with my wife."

He just wanted to sleep with his wife, he didn't want to go to the guest room alone.

When Wan Ge went to take a shower, Rong Qi was video chatting with Nan Dongyu again.

Nan Dongyu mentioned that the current president of RS had come to him today. The conditions proposed by the other party were very tempting, but Nan Dongyu felt that with Rong Qi's ability, after he graduated, he would probably be able to compete with them in a short time. If he sold it to them now, it would be difficult for him to expand in the future.

Nan Dongyu knew that Rong Qi's conditions were particularly good, but everything about him was known from school, from others and Rong Qi himself.

Rong Qi never mentioned RS had anything to do with him, and Nan Dongyu never thought about it that way. And at that time, Nan Dongyu always thought that he was Wan Ge's younger brother. It was not certain why Rong Qi had the surname Rong or whose surname he had!

Rong Qi told the other party directly: "RS is my family's company, and sooner or later we will be together. You can think about it and when to join."

At first, Rong Qi just felt that he should have the ability to make money on his own, and he should become a mature man, and he should also take the responsibility of supporting his wife in the future. That's why he cooperated with Nan Dongyu to have a company.

But now that everything has been revealed, it's only a matter of time before they merge. According to his father's opinion, it will eventually fall into his hands anyway.

"What!? Then you still..." Wait a minute, Nan Dongyu suddenly felt that Rong Qi didn't want to prove his ability, right? Even if he was going to inherit a big company in the future, he still wanted to prove his ability, so he cooperated with him.

Nan Dongyu felt that he had an indescribable sadness. Are rich people so willful? "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You didn't ask." Rong Qi said indifferently.

Nan Dongyu thought about it seriously and realized that he didn't ask. If he didn't ask, couldn't he take the initiative to tell her?

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