After the summer vacation, they returned to school. Rong Qi suddenly realized that this meant that he could not stay with her every day like he did during the summer vacation.

Although he was extremely unwilling to do so, Rong Qi still endured it. Now they were in their third year, and one year was just one year... He had endured it for so long before.

So for the next period of time, the two of them would go out on weekends, but there were also cases of staying out all night from Monday to Friday.

And this situation lasted for more than a month.

More than a month later, a celebrity appeared in the students' discussions and various forums.

A senior who had just graduated from the art department was invited to a very high-level art exhibition, and a well-known painter wanted to take him as an apprentice, and his paintings were instantly hyped.

The senior was gentle and handsome, with a particularly high talent for painting. He was well-known in the city as early as high school. He never had a relationship in college. Some people said that he was obsessed with art, and some people said that he had someone he liked.

And the more shocking news was that the senior accepted the teacher's invitation and would return to school.








"Xiao Qi, I..." Wan Ge was about to tell him what he had talked about with the senior, but was interrupted by Rong Qi.

The boy smiled and said softly: "Let's go eat, I'm hungry."

"Okay." Wan Ge did not continue the topic, but still felt that something was wrong with his lover.

The senior looked at the two people holding hands with a gloomy face. No one knew that when Wan Ge was a freshman, the senior had a good impression of her the first time he saw her. She was very beautiful and had a good temperament. She was the girlfriend he wanted.

He thought he would never see another girl more beautiful than Wan Ge in his life. She was really beautiful, more beautiful than any girl in a painting, so he was determined to get her.

At that time, he was the school grass of the college. He was extremely outstanding in appearance, wealth and talent. He showed his charm in front of the girl and wanted to take the opportunity to confess, but the girl refused. She said she had a loved one.

The senior couldn't believe it, but he could only accept it. However, he was still paying attention to Wan Ge silently.

Then he found out that she had never been in contact with other boys except Rong Qi, and she and Rong Qi had no intimate behavior. Rumor has it that they are siblings, and he went to their former high school and junior high school to confirm it. It was just as the rumor said.

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