The ministers' words also reminded the emperor that Wan Ge's status was special, and maybe he should abolish the prince.

Feng Su, who was standing aside, clenched his hands tightly when he heard such a sentence. From his youth to now, he has understood his feelings for Wan Ge. He knows that this feeling cannot be expressed and will never have a result, but... but when he heard that she was going to marry someone else, he couldn't help feeling sad and angry.

Nan Wan Chen didn't feel anything, but was a little looking forward to what the emperor's sister-in-law would be like. She must be a lady from a noble family, with both talent and beauty, stunning beauty, and knowledgeable. If any of these is missing, she is not worthy of his brother.

Wan Ge touched the little male protagonist's head helplessly: "Isn't the father not sure yet? Don't worry, how is the book that Xiaohuang brother asked you to read?"

Nan Wan Chen lowered his head and didn't speak. He didn't read it much... The queen mother always asked him to learn the way to govern the country. He didn't understand why he should learn it! The person who will become the emperor in the future is the emperor's brother, and he doesn't need to learn it at all.

But if he said he didn't want to learn, his mother would be very angry, so he didn't dare to say it.

"It's okay, just wait and see." Wan Ge said softly.

Nan Wan Chen felt that his brother seemed to be very different from the sacred, cold and untouchable prince in his memory to the gentle and polite gentleman now.

"Yeah." Nan Wan Chen nodded again. He liked coming to his brother's place the most. He could relax here without any worries and pressure.

"Meet His Majesty, the Crown Prince. His Majesty invites you to come over." A eunuch bent down and saluted respectfully, and at the same time conveyed the emperor's oral order.

Wan Ge let go of Nan Wan Chen, looked at Feng Su who was going to go with her, and told him not to wait for her to come back here, and then left with the eunuch.

When Wan Ge saw the emperor, he was in a pavilion, with a pile of memorials scattered on the ground. He seemed to be very annoyed and could be seen to be very unhappy.

"Father." Wan Ge called out obediently.

Seeing Wan Ge coming, the emperor finally smiled and asked everyone else to leave.

"Wan Ge, come sit down quickly, father has something to tell you." The emperor was relaxed when he saw his daughter coming.

Wan Ge sat down quietly, and then asked, "Is it about the dethronement of the crown prince?"

She didn't expect that the emperor hadn't made a decision for so long. If it weren't for the ministers reminding him that it was time to get married, the emperor might not have realized it yet.

"It's this matter, but father wants to ask Wan Ge, have you ever thought about really inheriting father's position?" At the beginning, the emperor did want to follow the agreement with the queen.

But after that incident, the emperor also found out that Wan Ge was really amazing, but she was born with the wrong gender. Over the years, she has shared a lot of burdens for him, and her suggestions are particularly suitable for a monarch.

As long as she conceals her identity as a woman, it is not a bad thing to become a monarch. Maybe the country will become better in her hands.

Wan Ge didn't think too much about it. On the one hand, she didn't want the people to suffer, and on the other hand, she wanted to share some of the emperor's worries, so she proposed it to him. Anyway, sometimes helping him do some things is what a child should do.

"Never thought about it." If she had taken the emperor's script from the beginning, it would be fine, but if the plot did not belong to her, Wan Ge still didn't want to participate. She was directly persuaded to quit.

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