In the past, it was an age issue. Wan Ge couldn't tell him some things, nor could she express her feelings.

Now she is a little worried. She is worried about what Feng Su will think. Can he accept that his brother suddenly becomes a girl? And he only has brotherly love for her. Will he think she is a little abnormal?

Maybe she can find a suitable time to try it, but her age is not suitable now.

Three years later, Nan Wanchen became the prince. After all, he is the son of the queen, so it is not particularly surprising that Nan Wanchen became the prince.

The innocent little prince has gradually become mature and stable.

Before becoming the prince, Nan Wanchen often went to the palace where Wan Ge was, sometimes bringing some fun things and sometimes some delicious things.

The emperor and the queen did not stop Nan Wanchen, but they did not allow anyone to disclose his whereabouts. After all, Wan Ge was suspected of treason, and Nan Wanchen would be criticized if he went to see Wan Ge.

Feng Su had no hostility towards Nan Wanchen at that time, because he knew that Nan Wanchen cared about Wan Ge very much. However, after learning that Nan Wanchen became the crown prince, Feng Su did not like him very much.

Seeing the young man wearing the clothes that should have belonged to Wan Ge, Feng Su lowered his head and left without saying a word, leaving the space for the two of them. Perhaps he was afraid that he could not help but throw Nan Wanchen out.

When Nan Wanchen was sixteen years old, the emperor announced that he was ill and abdicated to Nan Wanchen directly.

But when Nan Wanchen decided to give Wan Ge a title and give her the richest place as a fiefdom. It was opposed by all the ministers.

When Nan Wanchen made this decision, all the ministers were dumbfounded, thinking in their hearts, is the little emperor crazy?

His brother was a rebel. His father was in power and was his biological father. The prince had already dared to collude with foreign officials. Now they were just brothers. The royal family's kinship was the most untrustworthy. If the richest fiefdom was really given to Wan Ge, wouldn't he come back sooner or later? The little emperor was really crazy!

After returning to the bedroom, Nan Wanchen kicked down the table in front of him.

"Why are you so angry?" A deep and rich voice sounded from behind him.

When Nan Wanchen turned around, he saw his father. He knew that his father was in good health, but he didn't know why he wanted to abdicate.

Becoming the emperor and rescuing his brother was what he had always wanted to do, so no matter what his father's reason was, Nan Wanchen was willing to take over.

But he didn't expect that after becoming the emperor, he still couldn't do what he wanted to do, which made him angry.

The emperor sighed, looked at Nan Wanchen in front of him and shook his head: "You gave Wan Ge the richest place right away, of course the ministers disagree."

Hearing his father's words, Nan Wanchen's emotions fluctuated: "If you don't give the richest place to my brother, do you have to give him the poorest place?"

Of course it's impossible to give the poor place to my brother, won't he still suffer? Absolutely not!

"Yes, only in this way will they agree to release your brother." The emperor wanted to reach out and touch his son's head, but found that the child was almost as tall as himself. With his growth trend, maybe in a few years he would have to raise his hand to touch his head.

Nan Wanchen listened to the emperor's words and was suddenly stunned. Was his father telling him how to rescue his brother?

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