An afternoon passed, and Mr. Shen watched the two young people not far away.

After an afternoon of getting along, he could feel that Shen Yanchen was still as cold to others as before, but it was completely different to Wan Ge. He had never thought that Shen Yanchen would have such a side before.

And he didn't seem to care about showing it in front of his family. It was open and aboveboard to be good to his wife.

And Mr. Shen found that he was more satisfied with Wan Ge than he thought. It felt that this girl had a magical power that could not be hated.

Before the wedding, the two went to register first. It felt that Shen Yanchen was really afraid that she would suddenly run away again.

And the night before the wedding, according to custom, the two were not allowed to meet, so Wan Ge returned to her home.

Wan Ge originally thought that the other party should call her or send her a message, but nothing happened.

Just when she was still struggling whether she should take the initiative to talk to him, she suddenly heard a voice coming from the French window.

Wan Ge opened the curtain and saw Shen Yanchen standing on the balcony outside the French window.

? Wan Ge quickly took the man back to her room: "When did you come? How did you get in?"

Shen Yanchen did not answer her, but looked at the garden not far away.

? ? ? "Did you climb over the wall?"

Their family's security system is very good. If he was not familiar with their home and the other party was very skilled, the alarm would have been triggered long ago.

Shen Yanchen hummed.

Wan Ge stood in front of the other party and whispered: "How did you climb over the wall? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

After saying this, Wan Ge suddenly remembered the custom. Even if he came and entered the house, his parents might not let him see him.

So after running away once, it seems that I have not been separated from him for such a long time.

Usually I go to the company with him. Even if I do something bad and sleep late, I can still see him in the room when I wake up.

At that time, seeing him working in the room, Wan Ge did not think much, thinking that the other party might have slept like me, so I simply did not go to the company, and talked online if there was anything.

But now that I think about it, I suddenly wonder if the other party is worried that I will run away.

Wan Ge took his hand and let him sit on her bed. Finally, she held his cheek and looked at the man in front of her very seriously: "You are not afraid that I will run away, so you come to watch me?"

Shen Yanchen lowered his head and did not speak, but it was obvious that he agreed.

The smile on Wan Ge's lips deepened: "We have already obtained the certificate. Although the wedding will be held tomorrow, I am already Mr. Shen's legal wife. Can you still be afraid that I will run away?"

Shen Yanchen directly took her into his arms. In fact, her running away did stimulate him. It was this action that made Shen Yanchen realize how important she was to him. Anyway, Shen Yanchen didn't want to be separated from her for a moment.

Wan Ge was instantly pressed under the other party, and looked at him with deep eyes, which was completely different from the indifference when they first met. At this moment, there was only himself in his eyes.

"I'm afraid that Mrs. Shen will run away, so I have to watch her carefully." Shen Yanchen couldn't say it, anyway, he didn't allow the other party to leave his sight for too long.

Wan Ge hugged his neck. If he didn't come, she probably wouldn't be able to sleep at home. Forget it, for her handsome groom tomorrow: "Then continue to sleep with me tonight."

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