In the original plot, Feng Xunxi had never left the palace until he was granted the title of prince and had a fief. Because he was in poor health and was a sickly person, he was not allowed to go out anywhere.

Feng Xunxi stretched out one hand to Wan Ge, and Wan Ge held it, but did not let the other party exert force, which was equivalent to just gently supporting it.

Feng Xunxi felt it all at once, and felt that Wan Ge did not need him to help her. Was she afraid that he was not strong enough?

Thinking of this, Feng Xunxi's eyes flashed a little disappointed, and his hand holding the hand stove tightened.

Everyone knew that he was in poor health, so what did Wan Ge think? Would she dislike him too?

No! No! Wan Ge could not dislike him, absolutely not!

Suddenly, the stove in Feng Xunxi's hand cracked, and the fragments and charcoal cakes fell to the ground. Wan Ge pulled him away and stood on the other side of the carriage, otherwise he would get his clothes dirty or get injured.

"Your Highness, are you not injured?" Wan Ge held his hand and checked it carefully.

Feng Xunxi lowered his eyes slightly, looking at the anxious girl, and the warmth came up instantly: "I'm fine, don't worry."

All the unhappy emotions dissipated, and Feng Xunxi seemed to have discovered something, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, but he still needed experiments.

Finally, Wan Ge, who agreed to go home, followed Feng Xunxi to Chujing Building, which is known as the best building in the world.

The scenery here is first-class, the dishes are first-class, the piano music and opera are also first-class, and the storytellers are the best in the country. The consumption here is also very high. If you want to have a private room, you really can't afford it if you are not a special guest.

But it is obvious that Feng Xunxi is obviously a special guest. As soon as they arrived, a servant took them to the best private room.

Outside the window is the moat, and the white snow pressed down the willow branches. It is a painting at a glance.

Although they are on the third floor, there is a censer, so the room is still very warm.

I don’t know if Feng Xunxi had someone notify them in advance. As soon as they sat down, one exquisite dish after another was served.

All of them were local specialties, some of which even the imperial chefs in the palace couldn’t make.

Feng Xunxi sat quietly beside her and helped her pick up the dishes, but he didn’t eat much.

“Why don’t you eat, Your Highness?” It must be said that the food here is really great. She has eaten countless delicacies, and her favorite is still made by her lover, but what she eats now can still make her amazed.

“This is delicious.” Wan Ge subconsciously took her small spoon and scooped one of the dishes.

Although the name of the dish sounds good, the food is actually tofu. But the soup for stewing tofu is a broth made of meat and other soup ingredients.

This tofu is also stewed just right, not old. It tastes tender and delicate, and is particularly delicious.

Feng Xunxi opened his mouth and took a bite, then replied: "It's delicious."

Wan Ge realized what he had done belatedly, because the way they get along has long been no distinction between who is with whom, so in the new world, as long as it is him, it is easy to have no taboos.

However, he still did not reject her. Even if they changed to another world and had different status between men and women, he still accepted it and even liked it.

The guards who followed Feng Xunxi out were a little surprised to see this scene, because the third prince had a mysophobia, let alone a spoon used by others, even if others had touched the chopsticks, he would not eat it again.

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