Feng Xunxi breathed deeply, imagining his nightmare, and couldn't tell whether it was a nightmare or reality for a moment.

That dream was like his life, and all the detailed memories in the dream appeared in his mind.

In the dream, Wan Ge only liked the prince, and no matter what he did, he couldn't win his heart back. In the end, because of her, he died in Chaoyang Gate.

Every detail was so real and terrible, and he could recall it, as if he had really experienced it.

No! No, this must not be! It's just a terrible nightmare, how could Wan Ge treat him like this? Absolutely not!

In the dream, Wan Ge never gave him a good face, except when she wanted to steal his secrets for Feng Xunjin.

But now Wan Ge has always liked him, always liked him!

Before dawn, Wan Ge felt someone pressing on him. He opened his eyes and saw Feng Xunxi in front of him, with a puzzled face.

Although Feng Xunxi half-heartedly agreed that day, he usually looked like a gentleman. It was impossible for him to sneak into his room, especially at this time.

"Brother? Why are you here? We are getting married tomorrow. According to the rules, we cannot meet." He didn't show up yesterday, so why did he suddenly come today?

"Don't you want to see me?" Feng Xunxi couldn't believe it.

"Of course not! Why do you think so?" This strange reaction came again, what happened again?

Did the prince not face the wall and provoke him again? Ruanruan told Wan Ge at this time that the prince did go to see him.

Wan Ge was under strict supervision since yesterday. He didn't go anywhere and just said a few words to his personal maid.

It seems that he was really provoked by the prince, but he didn't know what the prince said to him.

"Wan Ge, are you really in love with me?" Feng Xunxi wanted to know the answer urgently, with eagerness in his eyes.

"Of course. What happened?" Wan Ge was indeed confused, because she didn't know what the prince said to him.

The prince would never tell others about his rebirth, right? So Feng Xunxi believed him? But would the prince do that?

It's possible! The prince was ordered to reflect, but he still ignored the emperor's order, so he might have made up his mind to break up.

But the prince didn't know that half of his people had been instigated by him, right? And he still had Xu Chaoxi and Qin Muchen as trump cards, as well as the entire Xiangfu as a trump card.

But even if the prince didn't have any defense against him, he wouldn't be so irrational, right? Then wouldn't he have overestimated him?

Feng Xunxi didn't answer what happened to her, but just hugged him tightly.

"Wan Ge, don't betray me, okay?" Feng Xunxi didn't want to lose, but he couldn't accept the betrayal of his beloved, especially Wan Ge.

He didn't care even if he was penniless in the next second, as long as Wan Ge stood by his side.

But if Wan Ge betrayed him, he wouldn't be happy even if he got the whole world.

He did so much in the past just to protect himself in the future, but when he met Wan Ge, he just wanted her and wanted to give her a better life.

"How could I betray you? Even if everyone is against you, I will still stand by you." No one and nothing can be more important than you.

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