"Wange, where are you? Come over quickly, Xiaoyu cut her wrists again, and she won't treat him unless she sees you..." The female voice on the other end of the phone was a little choked, and her tone was particularly anxious and scared.

"I'll be there right away." After Wange hung up the phone, she turned around immediately.

Wange tightened her grip on the steering wheel. In the last world, she said that her little villain was not so extreme and would not hurt her relatives and friends.

As a result, she met a particularly extreme villain in this world, who had a very serious tendency to self-harm.

He really would not hurt her relatives and friends, he would only hurt himself.

The reason why the villain is like this has a lot to do with his growth environment. The villain is called Su Nanyu. His father's surname is Su and his mother's surname is Nan. His parents are married for business. After marriage, they also have their own companies to manage, and they spend a lot of time managing the company.

They only have one child, because they don't have time to have other children. So they treat their only child as a special treasure, and even if they are not with the child, they will give the child the best.

Su Nanyu's parents were rarely around, and he longed for their love when he was a child.

When he still had memories, he suddenly found that whenever he was sick, his parents would appear.

So, he always took cold water in the middle of the night when no one was paying attention, so that he would catch a cold and have a fever. But later, as time went by, his cold tolerance improved, and taking cold water to treat fever was not so effective. Su Nanyu began to suffer various accidental injuries.

It felt that the child was suddenly weak and sick and injured frequently. When there was a problem, Su Nanyu was already nine years old.

After understanding, it was found that the child's series of behaviors were all due to lack of company.

Su Nanyu's parents reduced their working hours to accompany him. On the one hand, they had company, and on the other hand, they received psychological treatment. Su Nanyu did not have this behavior that hurt me for a long time.

Until later, he met Wan Ge.

Su Nanyu met Wan Ge when he was 20 years old. Wan Ge's identity in this world was relatively ordinary. His parents were ordinary office workers. Their salary was not high or low, but their jobs were relatively stable.

The original owner had always had good grades. After graduating from school, she joined a very good company. Although she was an ordinary employee, her salary was higher than that of most companies. This company was the company of Su Nanyu's mother.

Wan Ge also met Su Nanyu when he was looking for his mother.

Knowing so many worlds, Su Nanyu naturally fell in love with this sister at first sight.

Of course, Wan Ge would quickly accept her lover. After meeting twice, Wan Ge started dating him.

Unfortunately, less than a week later, Su Nanyu's parents discovered their feelings.

For Su Nanyu's parents, Wan Ge's status was too ordinary. Even if her appearance and ability were not bad, she was still far from being their daughter-in-law.

The couple was very determined not to agree to them being together at the time, and it was also that night that Su Nanyu cut his wrists for the first time.

The couple was scared. If it weren't for the dog's strong reaction, they wouldn't have discovered that Su Nanyu did such a thing.

Almost losing their son, this kind of thing was too scary, and finally the couple agreed to let them be together.

Wan Ge didn't know about this until the next day. He was completely confused at the time. Because in this world, Wan Ge has no plot or introduction. It was only after meeting Su Nan that he learned about his childhood.

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