"Then... Mother, can you let her stop working?" Mrs. Su sat beside her son and coaxed him softly.

Before Su Nanyu could speak, Mr. Su said directly: "No!"

Mr. Su loved his son very much but was calmer than his wife: "Even if you fire Wan Ge now, she will still find another job. If she loves her job, she will stick to it. Even if we can make her unable to find a job, she will not be happy. Xiaoyu, you don't want Wan Ge to be unhappy, right?"

Su Nanyu nodded immediately. In fact, even if his father didn't say it, he would not agree with his mother to do so.

It's not that he doesn't have the ability to keep Wan Ge by his side for a lifetime, but he knows very well that if he does so, Wan Ge will only hate him and dislike him, and will never be happy for the rest of her life, so he didn't do it.

The reason why he said he didn't want Wan Ge to work was that he hoped she could love him more and accompany him more, not that he was forced to not be able to go to work to accompany her.

Mrs. Su sighed. She looked at her husband helplessly.

Mr. Su just touched his wife's head and said nothing in the end.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Wan Ge arrived at the Su family. The Su family prepared dinner. Because Mrs. Su had already told her, Wan Ge did not plan to take people to other places for dinner.

After dinner, Mrs. Su asked Wan Ge if she would consider living in the Su family.

In fact, she felt that living in the Su family would allow her to look after her son, so that she could feel more at ease.

But in the end, Wan Ge declined. On the one hand, in addition to being uncomfortable with them, this place was also far from the workplace.

Moreover, if Su Nanyu had not used that method to make the parents accept them, they would not know when they would accept her.

Although Mrs. Su was not very happy, she did not say anything else.

The two returned to Wan Ge's small house, which was more than 80 square meters, less than one-tenth of the Su family's. But for someone like her, having a house in such a big city is already very good.

Moreover, she had just started working and could not afford it at all. In addition to some savings from part-time jobs and frugality after college, a large part of the down payment was supported by her parents.

She still pays the loan every month, but for her current job, the pressure of paying the loan is relatively small.

The decoration style of the house is very much liked by the original owner.

Su Nanyu doesn't mind the size of the house. As long as he is with Wan Ge, he will be happy no matter where he goes.

Because the two of them lay together in the hotel, Su Nanyu didn't want to sleep alone anyway, so after taking a shower, he lay obediently on Wan Ge's bed.

Wan Ge also lay beside him, and gently touched his cheek with her fingers. Su Nanyu's beautiful eyes also looked at her. No matter when, when he looked into her eyes, his heart would still beat very fast.

"Let's get married when you graduate."

Su Nanyu is now a senior, and he went to school very early, so now is the internship period of his senior year.

It's just that he hasn't officially started working at the company yet. He wants to get a company stamp, which is too easy.

And he just met Wan Ge at the beginning, so he didn't even think about work.

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