Su Nanyu didn't remember how he fell asleep. He was extremely uneasy and didn't think about those things. He fell asleep unknowingly while listening to Wan Ge's voice.

But he just had a nightmare. In the dream, Wan Ge left him and left him alone. No matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find Wan Ge's trace.

She wanted to leave him and never let him find her. Just like what she said at the beginning, if he still had self-harm behavior, she would disappear forever.

Wan Ge held him in his arms and patted his back gently: "What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

Wan Ge was awakened by his voice. Seeing him like this, he knew that he might have a nightmare, so he coaxed him softly.

Su Nanyu hugged Wan Ge tightly: "Don't leave me, don't leave me..."

Su Nanyu seemed a little crazy and kept repeating this sentence.

Until Wan Ge kissed his lips and stopped him from continuing. "I won't leave you, never, don't be afraid."

Su Nanyu heard her say that, felt her gentleness, and relaxed a lot.

"I'm sorry." Wan Ge's eyes were full of guilt, and he hugged the person in front of him tightly.

Su Nanyu instantly became nervous again: "Why do you say sorry? No, I don't want to."

Wan Ge gently rubbed the person in front of him, held his cheek and looked into his eyes, and then answered his question: "I have never thought about leaving you, never, but I don't want to hurt myself, so I said those words, but I didn't expect that you would be afraid of losing me..."

At first he really thought that Su Nanyu just wanted to achieve his goal through self-harm, not that he was so sick that he couldn't control his self-harm.

Now she understands that it's not just to achieve the goal, as long as Su Nanyu loses control of his emotions, he will hurt himself.

"No, it's not Wan Ge's problem, it's all me..." It's him, he got used to this way unconsciously, and he would get relief in this way whenever he couldn't achieve his goal.


After that, Wan Ge would accompany Su Nanyu to see a psychologist every once in a while. With Wan Ge's company, Su Nanyu also took the medicine obediently.

The first time, Su Nanyu wanted to secretly throw away the medicine, just like when he was a child. But later, Wan Ge found out.

Later, Wan Ge became Su Nanyu's assistant, and Su Nanyu could see her all the time, whether he was negotiating a contract or something else, Wan Ge would be there.

She would also openly admit that she was his girlfriend.

A few days after Su Nanyu's 22nd birthday, they got the marriage certificate.

After getting married, they moved to a quieter area but not far from the workplace. The house is not particularly big, but it is indeed much larger than where Wan Ge originally lived.

Su Nanyu felt that he didn't need a very big house, so that he could do many things by himself, and just live with Wan Ge in a world of two people without anyone interfering.

After the treatment, Su Nanyu's personality became much more stable, and he had fewer and fewer thoughts about self-harm. But every day he still liked to stick to Wan Ge.

Just when Su Nanyu was at the peak of his career, Mrs. Su had just thought about handing over the company to her son, but her son handed her a resignation letter.

Holding the resignation letter in her hand, Mrs. Zhu looked at Su Nanyu in front of her with a confused look on her face.

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