Rongli appeared in the Demon Palace, touching his heart with his fingertips, feeling his heartbeat so fast. What on earth is going on?

At this time, a man in purple clothes appeared beside Rongli: "Your"

Rongli glanced at the other person without saying anything, and directly pushed open the door of his bedroom.

After Rongli ran away, Wan Ge walked into the bamboo house and found that the place was very clean, and there was a fire boiling water, and the fire seemed to be inextinguishable.

There was a tea table next to it, with exquisite tea sets on it. Wan Ge took a look and saw that there were tea leaves and dried peach petals in the teapot.

The demon clan should not have peach blossoms, where did this peach blossom come from?

Wan Ge poured hot water into the teapot, and soon the tea fragrance was overflowing, accompanied by a faint peach blossom fragrance. After taking a sip, he could feel that this tea was really good.

But Rongli ran away, and this pot of tea could only be drunk by him alone.

Wan Ge took a rest, and waited for a few days but did not wait for Rongli to appear.

After thinking about it, I still feel that I can't wait for him here. Since he won't hurt me, I can try to find him.

But he seems to want to hide his identity as the Demon Lord from me. If I go to the Demon Palace to find him directly, how can I explain it?

Wan Ge changed herself into a set of clothes with the scent of magic flowers, put a few magic flowers on the clothes, put on some makeup, and used magic flowers in her hair accessories to cover up her identity as a fairy.

And she looks like a magic flower that has been practicing for thousands of years and turned into a human form.

Wan Ge tried every means to sneak into the Demon Palace, and finally found Rongli under a magic flower tree, but the other party might not be Rongli...

Or, was the person she met at the beginning Rongli?

Wan Ge looked at the man in front of her with black hair and purple eyes, dressed in black, and full of oppression, and began to wonder if she had found the wrong person.

Is this the Demon Lord in front of her, and the one she met in the flowers is not the one in front of her?

But their facial features are very similar. Except for the eyes and hair color, everything else looks very similar.

Rongli glanced at Wan Ge indifferently, but Wan Ge could already feel her body trembling. The pressure from the other party was too strong. She couldn't help but bow her head when she saw him, and her body couldn't help but be afraid.

This is not the same gentle and elegant man she met at the beginning.

"Magic flower? No, it's a fairy, from the fairy clan?" Rongli approached directly, and his bony hands pinched her neck at once, but he didn't use force at this moment.

Wan Ge shook her head. Although she was enrolled as a fairy at the beginning, she was also considered a member of the God Clan after being adopted.

"You dare to lie to me? You are very brave." Rongli tightened his fingertips a little, but when he saw that the other party's face was a little ugly, he instantly loosened his hand and turned his back.

"You came with them? Just you? What do the fairy clan think?" With the other party's weak strength, he would have died if he had just used a little force just now.

"I... I didn't come with them..." Wan Ge slowly stood up and tried to turn around and run, but Rong Li appeared in front of her in an instant.

"Want to run?"

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