She was really curious and wanted to know how Rongli would kill him.

Soon, Rongli took him back to the Demon Palace, but this time, a person who looked exactly like him appeared in front of him, but with different eyes and hair color.

Rongli hid Wan Ge and told her to hide and just watch.

Wan Ge hid in a corner, watching Rongli fight with the "Demon Lord", and finally injured the other party, and then stabbed the other party's heart with a sword.

When the other demon generals came in, they only heard the news that the "Demon Lord" was dead, and Rongli became the new Demon Lord.

On the same day, Rongli issued an order not to harm the gods.

Wan Ge still had a little doubt about this.

As for the method he used to kill the Demon Lord, it might be difficult for others to say, but for the "simple" Wan Ge, she would naturally believe it.

In fact, all demons knew that the Demon Lord was not dead, because the one who killed the Demon Lord was the real Demon Lord, and they were just cooperating in a play.

Even if Wan Ge felt his death breath, it would be useless. It was too easy for them to cause a death.

So that night, the elder with a hole in his chest went back to see his wife.

Seeing that he did not fix the hole for herself, the elder's wife was helpless and silently reached out her hand. Soon the elder was intact again.

"Have you completed what His Majesty asked you to do?" The lady asked silently while holding her aggrieved husband.

The elder nodded obediently and said pitifully: "I should have let my brother go earlier. It really hurts."

Although His Majesty had already prepared for his life, it really hurts to be stabbed like this.

"As a brother, you should be responsible. How can you ask your brother to go?" The lady sighed helplessly.

The elder exploded when he heard this: "Why not! I really regret not letting him go. I should have let him go. Are you heartbroken? Do you still like him? I knew you... um..."

In the end, the beautiful elder was taught a lesson by his wife.

When Wan Ge entered the familiar room, she shook her head and hugged the person behind her: "Brother, I don't want to be here. I don't like it."

I didn't expect that this room was Rongli's bedroom. It turned out that he had brought her back to his bedroom before, but he didn't dare to come, and asked other maids to come in and serve her.

Rongli immediately took the person in her arms away: "Okay, let's change places."

Finally, she took him to the West Palace. Although it was not as good as his original bedroom, the scenery here was also good, and the specifications were similar to his original situation.

Late at night, Wan Ge asked Rongli beside her a question, which made the man who was a little confused instantly sober.

"Brother... now that the Demon Lord is gone, he will not harm the God Clan. Should I go back?"

Wan Ge's words made Rong Li sit up: "Why do you want to go back? Don't you want to stay with me? You love me, don't you?"

Wan Ge nodded, with embarrassment in her eyes: "But I don't belong here, and I have achieved my purpose of coming here."

Wan Ge's words were simple and innocent, as if she should go home after doing what she should do, but how could the person she seduced agree to this! "No, you belong here, because you love me, you will stay here and accompany me forever, right?"

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